It's probably wishful thinking, but I could see this possibly curbing some of the entitlement people can get when using a tip-based service. And that makes for a better work environment.
Nice. Thanks, I forgot this was releasing yesterday. I really like Forgotten Kings. It does sound a lot like Lorna Shore but that's not a bad thing. I'll have to give the rest a good listen during next weeks commute.
Yeah some kind of automotive/motorsports/powersports community would be nice. It's my area of expertise and I enjoy sharing knowledge and helping others; but I've also seen how those communities turn toxic with the quickness. I wouldn't want any part in trying to moderate that.
I want a hive but it's currently not feasible. So in it's place, I've made my yard as bee friendly as I can by replacing most of the grass with clover and planting lots of native wildflowers and other pollinator friendly plants. I love my yard bees, there's lots. Also seeing more fireflys this year than in the past several.
Yeah, if it's trying to make a nest, probably best to leave it be. But if you see 'em out exploring later, some tomato or a grape will get them to come out of their shell. They like head pets!
You'll probably have some baby box turtles in a few months. I highly recommend knowing the commitment you're getting into before thinking of adopting one (or 3, and finding yourself with a 60gal turtle tank in the living room a few years later).
Give it some tomato and you'll have a friend for life.
If you do want to check your car more anonymously, make up numbers for the last 6 digits. The first 11 contain all the make/model/options info, the last 6 digits are unique to each vehicle.
And this is just the first week of ~100deg temps for most of Texas. It's gonna be a long summer.
Pick up some 50 cent safety glasses and you're golden.
From what little I know of French history, I would be worried about losing more than just an election.