Let's be honest... Most of these people are so far gone that even mass executions with be normalized.
"He's only.executing the bad ones!“
Let's be honest... Most of these people are so far gone that even mass executions with be normalized.
"He's only.executing the bad ones!“
The difference is that PRESUMABLY you aren't utterly dependent upon it. If vscode utterly fucks your repo with a shit command, you'll not really have any trouble fixing it. That's the huge difference. The point is not that all GUI controls are always bad all of the time, the point is that you need to know what the hell you are doing in git as a basic tenant of developer competency.
I said that you are probably not very good. Your lack of git knowledge and your seeming inability to learn git means that you'll likely never be able to function effectively in a development team and will only succeed in holding everyone back. Your lack of knowledge of version control overall is a massive point against you from the outset.
If you're a solo developer and never need to collaborate with other developers then good for you, but you lack of version control knowledge means that you'll also probably end up being one of the ones crying that you lost 6 months of work because of stupid reason x y or z.
Read up on fallacies, I did not use one. Your pathetic attempt to shoehorn anything that I said into a no true Scotsman fallacy just shows that you also have poor communication skills.
Holy fucking shit. I didn't even catch the bit at the end. You really think that cli arguments are archaic??? I'm going to go ahead and assume that regex has you scared shitless as well. Fuck me, you are not a good developer.
Sidenote, something that will help you understand regex and you can test your strings against it in realtime, look up https://regexr.com/
The fact that you don't already know why and are dependent on GUI tools that you don't fully understand is the reason that you're probably not a very good developer.
Git is incredibly powerful. Knowing why and how is infinitely valuable. Nothing about git cli is archaic or even particularly difficult to understand. Also the man page is very excellent.
Just a heads up, it you don't know how to use cli git in 2025 you're probably a shit developer. There are undoubtedly exceptions, but I would argue not knowing version control intimately makes you a bad developer.
Plant your heel on the floor board. Use your ankle to regulate brake pressure.
Damn, just can't get enough of that earthy leather taste huh?
If you have Plex pass, this does not effect anyone using your server.
It's still a shit asshole move by them, but at least it isn't catastrophic. Hopefully by the time Plex starts to suck jellyfin will not blow chunks.
Because comparitively, jellyfin sucks.
Once they reach some semblance of feature parity, then you can in good faith ask this question.
If you have Plex pass (honestly, get the lifetime, it's worth it, jellyfin is pretty shit compared to Plex) it will not effect users of your server.
As long as you have Plex pass it's all good and nothing changes. That said, this was exactly my reaction. Plex expends exactly zero fucking resources for my server, so wtf is this shit supposed to mean?
You should delete this comment.