
joined 2 years ago
[–] Omega 1 points 2 years ago

Very well put comment, so much so that I realised we will probably need a best of community here on lemmy

[–] Omega 17 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I think this is more of a problem of knowing when a specific tool should be used. Probably most people familiar with hadoop are aware of all the overhead it creates. At the same time you hit a point in dataset sizes (I guess even more with "real time" data processing) where it's not even feasible with a single machine. (at the same time I'm not too knowledgeable about hadoop and bigdata, so anyone else feel free to chime in)

[–] Omega 25 points 2 years ago (1 children)

The fair compensation for the service is the actual price of the service I have to legally pay. How the worker gets compensated for their work is not my concern. The service worker is employed by the restaurant for example, not by me just wanting to eat a pizza.

Tipping is an optional reward for outstanding service, and american companies realised their employees could survive (probably) on tips so they don't have to fairly compensate their employees. If you have to ask for optional donations from people just to survive you are just a beggar, the fair compensation for your work needs to come from your employer.

[–] Omega 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I have the same exact setup running on my server, and it's great. I also like having my entire library downloaded on some devices (some of which are more storage constrained), so I also have deemix setup to automatically transcode the flac files to opus and put it into a folder that is synced with a cloud storage.

[–] Omega 1 points 2 years ago

Counter point: You shouldn't assume that anything can be permanently deleted from the internet. However I don't know how the modlog works with images, the instances shouldn't be forced to keep hosting media they had to remove (especially if the removal was for legal reasons)

[–] Omega 1 points 2 years ago

It might not release in the near future, but I can't wait for Apashe's next album. While Gasoline hasn't been my taste I still loved it, and he is definitely ambitious with his projects, so I'm very excited

[–] Omega 1 points 2 years ago

For logging in: in the app you should see a button in the top left corner with three horizontal lines (you might have to scroll up, as that header disappears when you start scrolling down). That should open a little segment that shows you are an anonymous user, and there should be a sign in button below that.

[–] Omega 4 points 2 years ago

For me, it's Doom (2016), Battlefield 1, Hotline Miami, and Witcher 3 (even though after a 100 hours in some songs got a bit boring)