Surely continuing to subsidize fossil fuels will solve this.
Yar har fiddle dee dee
Sometimes it's not worth the fight.
This is certainly neat, but it feels like it's just reinventing the car.
I can see this being better than a car in some ways, namely the ease of replacement of parts and carbon reduction. But this can't be cheap, takes up a shit load of space, and could be a problem if it moves at enough of a speed to hurt somebody.
I do like the aspect of powering it with two other friends though.
I've somehow been able to keep a baby dragonfruit cactus alive for a little while now. I feel like I'd kill it using this.
Another airship application is replacement of yachts.
I think we have enough of those. In fact, we need less, both water and air yachts.
Fetish content
I gave freecad two separate tries and just couldn't get it to cooperate. Maybe I'll give it another go in a year or two/the next major update.
This has almost been my experience. My windows partition sees almost no use. But not zero. I still currently use it for fusion360 and a few games.
Eventually I'll be at a point where I can feel confident permanently deleting the windows partition.
Yeah, that's part of why I'm reinstalling as well. I had everything all on one SSD, and I needed more space for my Linux partition, but the windows partition is blocking any resizing.
The owners of all major social media sites are capitalists.
One can hope