Not sure which distro you were using, but most have an autostart gui option and you would have to make some serious spelling mistakes to brick your system.
joined 2 years ago
Open the javascript console and paste this script
let scrs = document.getElementsByTagName("script");let text;for(let i = 0; i < scrs.length; i++){try{if(scrs.item(i).attributes.getNamedItem("nonce") && scrs.item(i).attributes.getNamedItem("type").value == "text/javascript"){let toAppend = JSON.parse(scrs.item(i).childNodes[0].wholeText.replace("DOCS_modelChunk = ", "").split(";")[0])[0]["s"];if(toAppend != "undefined"){text += toAppend;}}}catch(e){console.log(e)}}console.log(text);
it will return all the text
No, that wouldn't happen.
No, many people use the .ml TLD because it's free.
I use ArchLinux BTW, because
~~3. I feel superior~~