I can see the 'Core EU' uniting into a single state like a United States of Europe or a European Federation but not the whole of the EU or Europe.
The 'Core EU' are the member states that push for further integration like France, BeNeLux and Germany. But there are member states that don't want to give Brussels more power like Hungary.
This can cripple the EU. A merger state would dominate all votes with their larger population and number of representatives. There could be no decision without the approval of them. For example a qualified vote requires states with at least 65% of the EU population. FR+GER+BE+NE+LUX together represent ~41% of the total EU population and can therefore block every vote. They could create some kind of duopoly of the merger state and EU remnants to balance power somehow.
The EU always was neither fish nor fowl, why not make it weirder? 🤪
Schnell! Holt den Norbert Lammert aus der Rente zurück! Er ist wahrscheinlich der Einzige, der jetzt noch Gysi stoppen kann.