
joined 2 years ago
[–] IrritableOcelot 11 points 2 days ago

Not somebody who knows a lot about this stuff, as I'm a bit of an AI Luddite, but I know just enough to answer this!

"Tokens" are essentially just a unit of work -- instead of interacting directly with the user's input, the model first "tokenizes" the user's input, simplifying it down into a unit which the actual ML model can process more efficiently. The model then spits out a token or series of tokens as a response, which are then expanded back into text or whatever the output of the model is.

I think tokens are used because most models use them, and use them in a similar way, so they're the lowest-level common unit of work where you can compare across devices and models.

[–] IrritableOcelot 2 points 6 days ago

Hmmmm milk is slightly acidic, and concrete will dissolve if the pH is lowered from its normal high alkalinity, so given a large enough volume of milk...I suppose milk would dissolve concrete substantially faster than water would.

[–] IrritableOcelot 2 points 6 days ago

There's going to be a temperature range somewhere between "fridge" and "corona of the sun" where that milk is the foulest-smelling thing in the universe.

[–] IrritableOcelot 5 points 6 days ago

I think its because while its under water it doesn't have a chance to diffuse into a larger volume of air -- normally farts are pretty dilute by the time it makes it to anyone's nose.

[–] IrritableOcelot 23 points 6 days ago (1 children)

My favorite overheard undergrad story:

I was walking past the lecture hall right after an organic chemistry midterm, and there was a cluster of 4-5 students talking about the exam. One asked about question 8b, and another one said "you're not supposed to mix nitric acid and ethanol, that makes TNT, right?" I had to stifle a chuckle as I walked by.

So close, and yet so far! Nitrated acetone is explosive, and TNT (trinitrotoluene) is also made with nitric acid, but toluene is a much more complex molecule than acetone. If those undergrads could figure out how to turn acetone into TNT efficiently, they'd get a Nobel!

[–] IrritableOcelot 1 points 1 week ago

Agreed! I'm just not sure TOPS is the right metric for a CPU, due to how different the CPU data pipeline is than a GPU. Bubbly/clear instruction streams are one thing, but the majority type of instruction in a calculation also effects how many instructions can be run on each clock cycle pretty significantly, whereas in matrix-optimized silicon its a lot more fair to generalize over a bulk workload.

Generally, I think its fundamentally challenging to generate a generally applicable single number to represent CPU performance across different workloads.

[–] IrritableOcelot 4 points 1 week ago

Ehh, its not actually a big jump, and its oversold here. It's useful as an alternative to hand-designing genes, but its just a summarization tool for the gene sequences we've already annotated -- and a ballpark of 10-20% of those annotations are wrong, as it's actually very hard to annotate genes' functions correctly. I would be wary of trusting that this will work outside the most-studied protein families.

[–] IrritableOcelot 10 points 2 weeks ago

Lol I was trying to play Dragon Age games a couple months ago, and the EA app is so terrible that I couldn't get them to run on windows. But on Linux in the proton sandbox? No problem, worked right out of the box. 😂😂

[–] IrritableOcelot 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I mean, sure, but largely GPU-based TOPS isn't that good a comparison with a CPU+GPU mixture. Most tasks can't be parallelized that well, so comparing TOPS between an APU and a TPU/GPU is not apples to apples (heh).

[–] IrritableOcelot 3 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

The changes to how account data is processed will effect anyone who logs in with their account. If you want to avoid changes, you cannot use a FF account.

[–] IrritableOcelot 3 points 3 weeks ago

Thats Britain lol, Ireland is on the left edge of the frame.

[–] IrritableOcelot 1 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Why is that article so hard to read? Its not grammaticaly wrong but the sentences are structured so oddly...


To deal with all this Intel CPU disaster, I've been having to manually check MSI's website for mobo updates. It occurred to me that keeping BIOSes and other drivers that aren't delivered through your OS's update manager of choice is such a pain, and it's common knowledge that a lot of critical BIOS updates just don't get applied to systems because folks don't check for updates unless there's a problem.

Thinking about that, I realized that it would make life a lot easier if you could just have section in your RSS reader for firmware updates, and each mobo manufacturer published BIOS update announcements as an RSS feed. All your updates are in one place, and you're notified promptly! Of course, this would also apply to NVIDIA drivers, so you can get automatic updates on Windows without having to download Geforce NOW bloatware, but of course that's very intentional on NVIDIA's part.

Does anyone know of other easy ways to passively keep track of BIOS updates?


OK, y'all. I'm trying to find a book I read many moons ago. I feel like it was by Diana Wynne Jones, but it's not in her bibliography. Massive spoilers incoming, obviously, but I can't remember what the spoilers are for.

The book starts on an island nation in the south of the world, with a rigid code of conduct which one of the main characters is being disciplined for breaking. The main characters leave on a quest to the oppressive and powerful kingdom in the north, and its revealed that one of the other main characters is the crown prince of the evil kingdom in the north, and can use their magic. If I recall correctly, his use of that magic makes dark veins stand out under his skin, and he has to fight against it controlling him. There's some kind of time limit, I think if he uses the magic too much, it'll take him over and he'll become the new ruler.

To gain some advantage over the evil kingdom, they visit an abandoned city, break into some kind of temple, and have an encounter with some kind of deity, which might then take over one of the characters?

Later in the story they make it to the evil palace, and there's a plotline about multiple children of the evil king trying to kill this guy, so they can inherit the throne. I think the evil palace is embedded in a mountain somehow.

Anyone who can set me on the right track, it'd be much appreciated!

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