
joined 1 year ago
[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 2 points 4 hours ago

How to get both England AND the Netherlands in one stroke

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 12 points 15 hours ago

Rust - rusts metal. When miscast, makes the target a crab of some sort

Go - Same as "command" spell

Regular Expression - makes any cryptic message understandable in a language you know

Transfer Protocol - allows the teleportation of one packet to a willing host

Read Only - cast on a book, scroll or any other thing with written words. Ensures no further words can be written. No scribbles or any sort of artwork will stick either. The object can still be destroyed

Icon - For a short period, the target of the spell becomes a beloved, or hated, icon of a subject. IE: beloved icon of beauty, hated icon of music.

Master Boot Record - this magical list contains all the master level boots ever created and their current whereabouts

Partition Table - allows any object with at least 2 flat sides to be cut into any shape

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 15 points 2 days ago

Java, verbose? laughs in Pascal

Python being Esperanto? Yeah, no, because Python is actually being used

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 2 points 3 days ago

Running water and indoor plumbing was relatively common in the ancient world.

Mostly for the rich or other well off citizens, lower classes still had to walk to a local fountain or well to get water

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 1 points 3 days ago

Really? Then I must've been taught wrong and never noticed

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 6 points 4 days ago

I suspect some drivers will be VERY confused at the sight of those huge bright antlers in the middle of the night

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

One "exit" per press

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 2 points 6 days ago (4 children)

More of a shortcut, CTRL + A + D to exit the current session (exits a sudo su first, then a ssh, then the actual terminal)

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What bands do you like listening to? My crypto romance? Tokenescence?

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 5 points 1 week ago

They are Billions

All it needs is One. Single. Fucking. Mistake.

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 2 points 1 week ago

You might be interested in reading the Unix Haters Handbook. I mean, that the command to install a backport so easily allowed you to remove core packages without a... Better warning, is an old complaint

[–] ICastFist@programming.dev 17 points 1 week ago

To happen every frame without crashing the game, it's more likely a warning ⚠️ "Warning, the texture is named 1.png instead of 1.PNG"


I'm thinking about making a character entirely out of Polygon2D nodes without textures. One thing I haven't figured out how to do is make each polygon cast a "permanent" shadow on top of the ones that are Z levels below it.

Below is an image of what I want to do, but using shaders/lights. I've only managed to do this by making extra polygons to fill in as the shadows.

How exactly do I have to set up a light source to achieve this effect? Using a DirectionalLight2D or a PointLight2D just brightens the polygons and I can't figure how to use a LightOccluder2D, or even if this is the correct way to get this result

(The polygons are green due to the DirectionalLight being green) - The occlusion simply applies the shadow on anything that is Z levels below it.


Time sure does fly, huh


I'd like to create an effect similar to 2 death animations that exist in Crash Bandicoot 3.

In one of them, Crash is disintegrated: all the triangle faces get separated and fly apart. A similar triangle separation is seen when he dies from fire, the triangles fall separately.

The second is a simple separation of the legs and torso. One enemy that exists in the 1st stage can cut Crash in half, which will cause the torso to stay in place while the legs walk away.



Text: My browser when I open the 42nd tab and beyond

A 2 panel image of Michael Jordan: Stop it. Get some help.


Asking mostly because I have fuckloads of video courses, plus a number of movies, that I have yet to even check if the content is as good as their titles imply and I really feel like I'm mostly hoarding this stuff because I have no fucking clue.


I'd like actual examples instead of "I work faster", something like "I can move straight to the middle of the file with 7mv" or "I can keep 4 different text snippets in memory and paste each with a number+pt, like 2pt", things that you actually use somewhat frequently instead of what you can do, but probably only did once.


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/16870410

However, despite all the attention Godot has been receiving, the switch from Godot 3 to Godot 4 called for the removal of Godot’s visual scripting system. This presented us with an amazing opportunity. We knew we needed to provide more to our users, and now Godot was lacking in a function that we know really well! And that’s how the current plan was kicked off.

Makes me wonder if they'll do something similar for RPG Maker if AGM does well enough commercially, since the RPG Maker Unite, which was supposed to work with Unity, died thanks to that charge the devs per-install kerfuffle.


However, despite all the attention Godot has been receiving, the switch from Godot 3 to Godot 4 called for the removal of Godot’s visual scripting system. This presented us with an amazing opportunity. We knew we needed to provide more to our users, and now Godot was lacking in a function that we know really well! And that’s how the current plan was kicked off.

Makes me wonder if they'll do something similar for RPG Maker if AGM does well enough commercially, since the RPG Maker Unite, which was supposed to work with Unity, died thanks to that charge the devs per-install kerfuffle.


TLDR; some fan complains that the comics depicted a troll war as a "touch football game between overweight accountants" instead of something truly gruesome and that a sex scene was "just rocks". It's a long rant that boils down to "your stuff is too cutesy".

The author rebukes that nonsense because she knows she has younger readers and she doesn't need to do that explicit sex and violence anyway.


I make the specification of non-linux because otherwise this would just become a thread full of obscure distros that do the same thing as a million other distros.

Some lesser known OSs:

  • AROS - based on Amiga OS, has some derivatives like IcarOS and MorphOS
  • Haiku - based on BeOS
  • Redox - Unix-like, made in Rust (might technically count as linux?)
  • Serenity - Unix-like, very late 90s look and feel
  • Kolibri - Tiny OS, the image is ~44MB. It also has a smaller version that fits in a single floppy.
  • PhantomOS - When 3 Russians decide to turn everything about a typical OS upside down.

Video is nearly 3 years old now, but I think it's worth watching. Her presentation starts at around 2:30.

Basically, she explains how Redbean, a tiny (~450kb) and very fast C http server, works and how the same executable can be used to deploy it on most operating systems (she starts explaining that around 14:30)

Justine is also the mind behind Sector LISP, Lambda Calculus in 383 bytes, considerable optimizations to LLamaAI, plus several other things.

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