Whats librewolf like? I think I tried waterfox once but still prefered firefox.
If that's the case it probably would have been better to add the legal phrasing onto it without removing the original phrasing. I am happy to continue using firefox as long as they don't break their promise.
David Bergeaud has produced some classics. If you want more content on the ratchet and clank soundtrack Logan Freund has a series called soundtrack safari that talks about the soundtrack in the original trilogy. https://youtu.be/zD2DJyNLlPA?list=PLkF45sjSc1OB7hYDbxlMZ8cPxd_lYoBE4
Nice I will have to give Zen a try.
Chromium based competition is still better than no competition even though I am trying to avoid anything chrome based.
You cant go back on never have never will without breaking the law. We need to get these ai tech bros out of these companies if we want them to remain good.
I am just getting over a cold it seems everyone is getting sick lately. Other than that my week is alright.
Damn that sucks it should be open source. Let people fork and optimize it so it uses less electricity as possible.
Is part of the code not available?
The tariffs combined with the gutting of FAA and musks fascist salute might just be enough for the maga cultists to leave the cult.
I could understand banning closed source models but open sourced models that work better than anything propriety isn't that just the free market that corporations like to pretend to be part of?
I tried power ISO earlier though it came up with an error when ripping the game. I also tried k3b at the start which works for ps2 games but it was unable to rip ps1 games.