Write insurance names on the stripes.
Musk is a Nazi. Not because he's actually a Nazi but because he's using the notion of any Nazi to join he movement of overthrowing the government in the US with Trump's assistance.
That order of magnitude of authority is just a charade. The real one is Money and it's not an oligarchy. Follow the money. If you want a handheld assistance ask Lee Camp. He recently laid out a plain candid layout, to whom and the name in his first UnRedacted Tonight which you can find on Rumble or YouTube.
50501 is not an opponent to the Nazis. It just says it is but does nothing but make noises, if even that. That way hasn't been respected since the 70's when folks kind of tried to do what black people did but not actually.
Well, on one hand, there are no shortage of folks that no longer have shit to do.
On the other, these are protests and they fucking Nazis.
Say what You like. You're just flat out wrong. I've got a Librem 13 and a Librem 5 so I know you're wrong.
I discarded appreciation and fuck given decades ago. The fuck are you really being surprised by? Really.
Don't land on Europa and if you're right, I bet they make the same contract over that too. That, being the monolith's ban.
Be careful. It's about to turn 451. I'll be surprised, if I last long enough, if it don't click this year.
It is what it is so it's not a meme...so...nothing needed.
Unless that dinner is explosive.
I'm sure other people have close enough fantasies for that.
Do you not think Purism's Librem laptop actually disable Intel ME?
...they would accept the notion that they actually voted for a goddamn playing card...again.
...And don't you dare fucking insult Ledger on any such of an insinuation.