I'm genderfluid, I write whoever I wanna.
Honestly, this is sort of exactly what I wanted out of asking this, thank you so much!
Technically not entirely new, but I'm hoping to introduce my group to Changeling: the Dreaming. It's a personal favourite system, and I think it's probably going to work better than D&D for what I personally want to run.
Changeling: the Dreaming fan here. Our system is better suited to the roleplay side of things, several sessions can go by without a single combat, and it's not the core focus of the system.
The originally posted content is based on "SCP-5000" by Tanhony, licensed under CC-BY-SA.
no it's not.
I'm just not bothering with a company that's repeating the exact same mistakes as their predecessors, so it's basically anything but 5e for me nowadays.
I don't tend to use 'gygaxian' as a positive descriptor, Arneson deserves far more credit, anyway.
Entering my Gygaxian arc.
Yeah, that's me.
Man, I need to make a World of Darkness game.
when the idea isn't good, you could always play into a common stereotype, like "horny bard" or "edgy rogue", I guess.
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