Fungi were the first things to eat trees, so I suppose its not surprising that they could maybe eat plastic.
Yes exactly. It wasn't ever actually meant to help most people. It was dressed up pretty-like to fool an entire generation of rubes who are blind to what it did to their children and grandchildren
Considering lots of folks knew it wasn't going to work even as he was pushing for it, it's not a surprise. We've known this for decades
I personally like them on sandwiches or wraps. They add a nice texture and they taste good. I'll often replace pickles with them, since they are the same thing, just one is pickled.
The more people in a public place, the more likely you are to get argumentative people in the mix. There's going to be someone who throws the first punch.
Oompa loompa doopity doo
If the viewpoints are based on blatant falsehoods, then they really shouldn't be presented at all IMO. That is to say, ideally that's how it would be. It doesn't really work like that IRL
What I will always find funny is that pirated and cracked games run better than the actual ones with Denovo.
Reminds me of "Hysteria" which was effectively just the medical excuse to penalize women for getting "uppity." Nowadays, there's even one that the police have been using recently called "excited delirium" or something, which is what they try to compel coroners to use when they kill someone through unreasonable levels of force when those people fight for their lives.
Effectively be definition, society is altruistic. It can't exist if everyone is perfectly selfish. There needed to be a balancing act between selfishness and selflessness, including some mixture such as "selfish altruism." Help me I help you. That's quite possibly the basis of civilization in general.
That being said, as beings subject to natural selection as well as self preservation and wants, we are generally selfish by nature. Whether we can override that or not depends on both our nature and our nurture. We did so far enough to form communities and eventually civilizations, of course.
Considering that there are swaths of the population to this day that barely consider (If they consider at all) certain other swaths conscious beings, I don't have high hopes for us figuring out if an AI is.
He has such an outrageous amount of wealth that he'll never be poor. Not even if all his assets are nationalized. He's probably squirreled away money in as many holes as possible. He will probably never see any proper justice for any of his actions.