
joined 2 years ago
[–] AnarchoYeasty 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yeah that's pretty bat shit my guy. It also conveniently feeds into Russian propaganda since Fomenko thinks Ukraine isn't a real people and just a part of the Russian horde, the same shit putin tries to peddle in his justification for genocide and invasion of Ukraine.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

The caching is the result of service workers which Firefox definitely supports.

edit: oh just scrolled down and saw you already commented that later.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 2 points 2 years ago

You can keep saying that but no they couldn't. They held a slim super majority for only 72 working days and that required independents caucusing with them. Lieberman was not on board with those changes and the democrats cut the deal they could with the votes they had. That deal saves fucking lives. Diabetics can get insurance without being tied to a job now. Its expensive now. It was literally impossible to get then. So fuck off with your anti democratic party bullshit and if you think it's so easy to get these votes to enact this change to get a bunch of progressives elected. Because all you are doing is disuading voters from voting for the only party that has done a fucking thing for the poor and working class. That only helps conservatives who are trying to kill us. You won't bring about revolution by shit talking the democrats on the Internet and convincing people to not vote. Stop actively harming people with your rhetoric and try actually organizing for a fucking change.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 1 points 2 years ago

report reason: I'm in this photo and I don't like it

[–] AnarchoYeasty 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You are right. We do need 51%. In 2020 there was a 65% turnout and Biden got just under 30%. Even if every one of the 35% of west Virginians who didn't vote were secret libs he still wouldn't have won. But hey. Good luck winning a statewide election with just under 30% of the voters on your side. Also are you on the ground in wva working with a progressive candidate? Because if not then you have given up and all your doing is complaining that the Dems aren't doing enough.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 2 points 2 years ago

It's been about that long for me. I let my wife trim it once just to get some split ends. But other than that haven't touched it. I used to have super short hair, #2 on the sides finger length on top. It's how I had my hair cut since I was a child. I wanted to try something else but needed my hair to be long enough to style it differently so I just stopped cutting it one day and told myself eventually I'd come up with a style to cut it. 2 years later and women started commenting on how much they liked it so I kept it.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 3 points 2 years ago

Lmao I just wore a beanie every day during my awkward hair length.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Yeah no their whole shtick is they lie to women and don't tell them what fucked up shit they are going to do to them. They are targeting homeless and poor women who have little choices for earning money and then brutalize dehumanize and rape them. What the fuck is wrong with you defending this and what the fuck is wrong with the seven people who upvoted you. Nice to see white supremacy and rape culture alive and well on lemmy.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 2 points 2 years ago

Well you said he was just being a provocateur when I brought up how racist and fucked up he is. That's defending and making excuses.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Guess what. The same thing happened before Obama too. Except then it was happening without insurance because we could get denied for having pre existing health conditions that would prevent us from obtaining insurance in the first place. Seeing as you aren't a diabetic and don't have to live this reality, And I am, please kindly take this bull you are spewing and shove it. Because you do not know what it is like at all.

[–] AnarchoYeasty 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

I'd love for there to be a communist nation in the world. Except the US government won't allow that. Chile democratically elected Salvador Allende a democratic socialist to be their president. And the United States responded on September 11 1973 (the irony of that date) by backing Augusto Pinochet a fascist who launched a military coup and established a dictatorship marked by his favorite tactic of throwing leftists out of helicopters, the source of one of the alt rights favorite memes.

Isn't it funny how the CIA always is behind overthrowing attempts at doing communism and socialism well in South America Africa and Asia. And then we all sit here and say "See, communism just doesn't work!".

Violence and force is always necessary to extract change from the powers that be. Hell they use violence and force every single day to keep us in line so why shouldn't we use violence and force to fight back? And you're right people won't want to do that when they are safe and cared for. That's why we aren't launching a revolution. Communists are instead attempting to organize people and build new (ideally horizontal) power structures so that when the system gets bad enough to mobilize we will be ready.

Allende is all the evidence you need that peacefully bringing about change has its limits. Allende didn't kill people to get into power. But the fascists and their liberal allies sure killed people to keep their power.

edit: also communism isn't any more susceptible to people corrupting it than capitalism is. Especially anarchist / libertarian communism which doesn't have hierarchies for people to take over. If you got a few minutes I'd recommend listening to this article talking about whether we are good enough for communism

[–] AnarchoYeasty 1 points 2 years ago

It removes a talking point and gives the GOP more control of the Senate.

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