It's talked about in that BuzzFeed article I posted above and also more here
So only able bodied men and women. Big yikes. Also people who aren't soldiers are leeches. Even bigger yikes.
Doesn't matter how many #hashtags you use you are still a #pedophile
Yeah except for the fact that they are causing very real damage to POC and LGBTQ people. So let's be very clear here. Conservatives are not intentionally hateful and can be nice and kind if you are a straight white Christian. If you aren't in the in group though they can and will turn on you even if they tolerate you. Because conservative ideology is one fundamentally founded on hate and oppression.
The major mail companies could easily block emails from proton servers if they wanted to. The OP is right business could crack down on it all if they felt like it.
Conservatives are entirely driven by prejudice and to maintain power structures. Conservative ideology was literally created by English and French aristocrats who saw the writing on the wall for the monarchy and nobility and needed to ensure that the aristocracy continue to be in charge. Today they serve to ensure that white cishet men remain in power. We absolutely 1000% do not need conservatives in society. This both sides are valid nonsense only serves to further entrench power structures and oppress minorities
No his premise is wrong as are your examples. Men have never had to be emotionless providers. Ever. And women have not historically been baby factories. All throughout human history across tons of cultures men and women have served various purposes in society. Women only being birth machines is a result of patriarchal society influence from Europe during only a certain time period.
The fact that various people's have had different social views on gender and sexuality and that it was literally beaten out of them by white Christians and Arab Muslims would definitely say that no, it's not true that our gender norms are the result of sex chromosomes. Your viewpoint is completely ignorant of actual history
Lmfao we aren't meant to eat plants. Holy shit my dude this is the worst take on this thread. Congrats you win.
What nutrient absorption and metabolism differences can meat help that other vegetable sources can't? I'm not even vegan and that sounds completely made up
No communists see AI as the enemy. Communists see AI being used to support the ruling class and harm the working class as the enemy. But I feel like communism has always talked about automation liberating workers from labor.
Oh well if starship fucking troopers says it. You do realize that's satire right. Jesus fuck you fascists are so fucking oblivious it isn't funny.