Shout out to Sunaurus for making and maintaining the best instance!
Hold the egg up to a candle or light bulb, you should be able to see through most common eggs.
Falloung out a window, Russian pastime
I love this and resonate with this far too much.
But quick question, what's the screeching cat symbol and where do I learn more? My Google Fu is lacking and the closest I see is union representation?
It looks like a bunch of snowflakes or a trip of buttholes.
No thanks.
Like half of these are TV shows. House MD, X Files, Baywatch just at a glance.
Until they overdo it and we get a snowball Earth or something else
Assuming proper training and ammunition, they're perfectly capable for hunting small to medium game such as rabbits, coyotes, tyrants, wild hogs, and whitetail deer.
And yet still managed to shit the bed less than... Um...
...we beat Medicare!
Yes it got better. Not by an incredible amount, it's no Futurama, but definitely better now.
This year most kids loved the full size Hershey chocolate bars, those went the fastest. I think the sheer size it's a selling point. Reese's were a close second.