
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1simpletailer@startrek.website 15 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Birds of Prey remains the best film to come out of the DCEU and it's a damn shame it's been slept on.

[–] 1simpletailer@startrek.website 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I gotta be honest. I love New Vegas and FO1 but I gave up on 2 somewhere around Vault City. I'm sure the game has it's good moments, but the total whiplash of all the proto "so Random XD" humor got to me. I don't mind some random wackyness in FO, it just has to actually be funny.

[–] 1simpletailer@startrek.website 5 points 1 year ago (4 children)

It was.... Okay. Better then the first 2 seasons of Pic by a mile at least. If it was just the first 5 or so episodes I might even call it good. Yeah it was big, dumb, and loud, but it was also full of nostalgia bait, some of which admittedly did resonate with me. The bar was just so low after the TNG movies and first two season of PIC that traumatized fans were happy to have a seemingly final sendoff that wasn't completely terrible.

Wonder if he'll cameo again if we get the Council of Reeds on the big screen.

[–] 1simpletailer@startrek.website 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I feel that the studios thought process for casting Pascal must have been something along the lines of "Who's hot right now?" and "Who gives off Daddy vibes." Don't get me wrong I think he's a fine actor, its just so far he's kind of played similar roles in everything I've seen him in at least. I'm curious to see if he has the range.

I wonder what happened to Krasinski? I wasn't the biggest fan of him in the role either but he seemed like a shoe-in considering he already played the character.


Thought there may be some overlap between the F4 and Trek fandoms. I'm over the MCU overall, but as a life long F4 fan I might check this out if I hear its decent. Poster looks promising, dig the retro vibes and the team being presented as a family. Pascal seems like an odd pick for Reed Richards, but the rest of the main cast looks good. Can't be worse then the movies we've already gotten!

[–] 1simpletailer@startrek.website 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Even if they just gave us some new map tiles, a flip-able Romulan/Klingon Warbird set, it would go a long way. Make it so you can have two separate ships that your characters can transport between. Having to buy two identical core sets for 3-4 player games is unacceptable. Since we didn't get one for TOS, a DS9 Core Set with Sisko vs Dukat or Weyoun that introduces the Cardassions/Dominion as a playable faction would be great!

[–] 1simpletailer@startrek.website 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Just got into this game and I am enjoying it, but low-key kind of disappointed in this. Should have focused on the Next Gen era for small expansions. The DS9 or Voyager crews, the Ferengi, or the Cardassians/Dominion would have been perfect. As it is right now, the TOS crew doesn't fit in at all with any of the existing characters. Sure you can always hand wave it as time travel/holodeck shenanigans, but TOS really deserves its own new core set. A Kirk vs Khan box with a TOS map would have been great!

If its at University a lot of online classwork requires Chrome, especially proctored test-taking. They might have installed Chrome for that and just kept using it to avoid any problems and having to switch back and forth between browsers.

[–] 1simpletailer@startrek.website 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've always been a skeptic but when I was a teenager Ghost Hunting shows were a guilty pleasure of mine. Tried watching some of the Ghost Hunters revival recently and holy shit its all so fake. Its a good 45 mins of the team "feeling" something with the rare instance of them claiming to witness activity that is conveniently off camera. Why don't they wear body/head cams? Because then they wouldn't be able to pull that shit and claim their anecdotal experience as "evidence" the location is haunted.

Btw they say every location is haunted now. Even when the best evidence they can find is some odd ambient sound or "EVP" that they suggest vaguely sounds like a noise a person can make. Notice how the person they are presenting the evidence too can never tell what the "EVP" is saying until the Ghost Hunters suggest something. At least in the old days they used to debunk stuff on occasion. They also used to occasionally find more substantial evidence, but I think in the era of HD TV's and Cameras + the scrutiny of the internet they know they cant get away with faking that shit anymore. They basically just go around giving businesses "evidence" to market that they are haunted and enabling delusional homeowners. I'm honestly ashamed that I was ever gullible enough to consider that they may have been legit.

Based and Fatpilled.

I think late DS9 and now SNW balance it well enough. You just have to mix episodic and serialized story-telling. I agree on the Internet being a problem though. Can you imagine if something like cinimasins was around nitpicking TNG when it was on air?


Thought I would make a discussion thread for the new game since I didn't see one up. I haven't picked it up yet, was planning on getting it this weekend. I'm curious what any Trekkies who've also played Stellaris think of it. Is it worth getting?

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