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Dude does not understand how german elections work lmao. Nobody won that election, the conservatives got 28% of the vote. There will be at least a 3 party coalition and things could become pretty complicated.
Since FDP and BSW didnt make it into the parliament SPD, CDU should be able to form a coalition. Only Problem, the SPD Chancellor candidate announced they dont want to coalate with the CDU. We may see the same Situation as in Austria.
the SPD Chancellor candidate announced they dont want to coalate with the CDU.
I thought Scholz announced that he would step back since he wouldn't be able to be chancellor? (If I read the Dutch news right.) Which is something else from blocking a CDU coalition.
If the AfD votes for Merz, then he will become chancellor. But that doesnt mean that they will form a coalition so its gonna be interesting.
If Merz tries to get himself elected without having secured practically all conservative PMs will call for his head, the Churches are going to let themselves be heard, loudly, there'd be a coup within the CDU/CSU faction. They barely followed him in that stunt last time they're not going to do it when it actually matters.
Who is the “GENTLEMAN NAMED DONALD J. TRUMP”? I know of no such person. I know who Donald J. Trump is, but he is most certainly not a “gentleman” by any definition I’m familiar with.
Not really new, he's always done it often
Tell me you dont know shit about the german voting system without telling me you dont know shit about the german voting system.
Do not discredit our supreme leader. His knowledge of the German voting system is equally refined as all his other knowledge.
The AfD is only second strongest party. Also, no matter what anyone says. The real winners are the leftist party who got 8.7%.
I'm fairly far left but the strong LINKE might actually fuck us over pretty hard. They are strong enough that they’re able to block increased defense spending together with the AfD in a time where increased national and European security might just be our most existential issue.
They are strong enough that they’re able to block increased defense spending together with the AfD
Does Germany have some rules that defence spending requires a 2/3rds supermajority or something? Linke and AfD cannot stop anything on their own if a simple majority is required. The Union and SPD have a slim majority between them, and add the Greens and you've got an extremely strong majority.
The real winners are the leftist party who got 8.7%.
Probably most of those voters voted SPD or die Grüne before but lost trust. Happened in Belgium too...
Yep. SPD lost way more to Union and AfD, though, and the Greens got out of this whole thing relatively unscathed, they have a quite stable basis.
Fun fact: Die Linke gained more voters from CDU and FDP than they lost to the AfD.
switching from a socialist party to afd seems wild to me but ok
Protest voters be protest voting. Unless what they want is actually achieved they'll start hopping from party to party, usually in the direction of "this will be the greater middle finger to the establishment". It's people who think that kicking their car when it doesn't start will fix it.
Its exactly like this. Most of their voters came from these two parties.
In Belgium they also pulled votes from the far right, though.
that's just people who want change but don't know what to vote so they just vote for whichever populist politician screams harder
Because the right-wing CDU/CSU has won and the right-wing AfD is right behind it?
These are the fruits of 16 years of Merkel with "We can do it".
It started with her migration policy etc. and the attacks increased but only at times when they wanted to overturn laws or introduce new ones.
This moved the population to the right. (We can do it... Making Germany right-wing again < that's how it should have been understood!)
So the AfD happen to be former CDU/CSU voters...
Germany gave up its sovereignty yesterday.
Democracy is broken!
The "we can do it" part wasn't the problem, the problem was not backing it up with enough funds for states and municipalities to actually do a proper job. Which is a can of worm of fiscal politics if there ever was one because the reason the states are broke is because the wealth tax got suspended back in 1997. Kohl era shit.
The problem was that Merkel contributed everything to the division. She wanted destability etc. What is the best way to get a country to the right? You flood it with refugees with the aim of dividing it "we can do it" did not refer to managing the refugee situation... ( DE has helped itself that there are so many refugees at all ) But a party can hardly say "we are do it to dismantle democracy in order to impose our own will".
I'm schizotypal, I know paranoid narratives when I see them. Get a grip. Touch some grass. Less consumption, more actual engagement with politics. Join Die Linke.
The video was 15 years ago lol. All the surveillance systems etc. that were implemented afterwards for spy citizen.. You could also look at Snowden etc. again. It's people like you why it's getting worse. But the main thing is to hide your head in the sand so you don't notice anything, right?
Dude I was in the fray, on the ground, when the Pirates were founded. And I wasn't talking about the video when calling shit paranoid, didn't even watch it.
Oh, so you belong to the faction that discredits others as aluhut carriers and then years later is completely surprised when the whole shit is suddenly reality. One of the main reasons why it turns out so shitt( And why others started to think the pirates just sucks, because in addition to the kindergarten within the party, voters like you were added. Really, thanks for the shit!) Thank you for trampling on civil rights etc.
Again, paranoia. You should have a look at that. Maybe compare the privacy situation here in Europe with how things work in the US.
You'd better inform yourself... But definitely a friend of state trojans, backdoors, VDS, dragnet investigations, the new data goldmine ePa where Alphabet meta etc. can get access to all health data on German citizens for a small fee, etc. It's an endlessly long list. But oh, you don't care about all that because they are facts... otherwise you would only have to look for changes in the law etc in the last 15-20 years and the dates...
Face recognition etc. is of course also included.
Have fun in your bubble
Try to obsessively follow trails of positive news for a week or so. Not to make that stance your own, just to have a contrast. Can't triangulate shit with only one reference point.
Have fun in your imaginary utopia bubble.
Not to make that stance your own
So the AfD happen to be former CDU/CSU voters...
Not directly. The biggest group of AfD Voters are former non voters. But in terms of voters who migrated to the AfD the biggest group can from the CDU.
Unfortunately, our projected future chancellor is very similar to Trump in certain aspects, especially rhetorics and spitting bullshit, then being utterly incompetent when asked specifics.
Who, Widrich Schmerz?
Fritz von Papen.
so rich and can't afford a keyboard with a working capslock key
My elderly relatives type like that when they want to make sure people know they're very serious people with important opinions about the price of milk and Barack Obama being a secret homosexual.
Looks like you are missing a few keys yourself, notably the shift an period key.
Notice how Trump considers America to be under him.
Not just in this text, but in all of his actions as well. He has no intention to be a responsible leader, he intends to rule, and to do so with impunity.
"L'État, c'est moi!"
Yeah, "so many years", a whole 3.25 of them. Before that was Merkels forth cabinet, in the same party with the same coalition we're likely to see again now.
Americans don't know any better, tbh
Trump you arent conservative Also you clearly dont understand how we do governments over here
He doesn't understand how they do government in America, and he's in charge of it.
why is there a trump tweet on my all, better block this community
So ending up with a parliament that is made up of probably a minimum of three parties, which will result in fairly boring, moderate policies most of the time, headed by someone who's made it crystal clear a Trump led USA is the opposite of what he wants and who has pledged full backing for a Trump win...?
I mean, no its not great AfD picked up so much of the polling but not even Trump can realistically claim this as a victory.