
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 15 hours ago

Solar over normal farmland used for hand/robot-picked plants that like a certain amount of shade is also an option. I'm curious how many acres of solar you'd need to support one acre of this scale of vertical farming.

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (1 children)

Can't Stardew Valley, Undertale, Outer Wilds and No Man's Sky also be legally removed from your Steam library for any reason?

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

They're just gonna go all in on marketing to Kyle and his CoD buddies, and ignore the nerds who care about weird shit like ownership.

[–] 8 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (2 children)

The EULA is a wall of text that means nothing to most people, just like the TOS. The CLA (California License Agreement) or whatever this will be called with be no different, unless they specifically demand a very short and to the point.

*"You are buying a game licence that can legally be revoked without providing a refund.

Ubisoft can revoke the game license at any time for any reason.

Ubisoft guarantees access to the license for 0 days."*

I have no expectation that it will be that clear and concise.

Edit: Looks like they have chosen not to discuss the language of the "clear expansion" at all. Likely because whoever wrote the law didn't know the subject they're regulating.

From the article:

The official phrasing in the bill’s summary reads, it will “prohibit a seller of a digital good from advertising or offering for sale a digital good, as defined, to a purchaser with the terms buy, purchase, or any other term which a reasonable person would understand.”

Alternatively, storefronts can clearly explain that you’re buying a license and that your purchase isn’t a permanent transaction, meaning the license can be revoked at any time by the issuer. The most important part of the bill states that passing it will be “ensuring that consumers have a full understanding of exactly what they have bought.”

It'll probably be a wall of text like maybe a big fat paragraph and a little vague line at the bottom, or somehow manage to be short but still vague enough to not discourage sales while just barely straddling the line of being acceptable to the Californians who might one day end up bothering to look at how this ends up going, if they don't forget to.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

If you consume nothing, you'll have your final elimination of waste in not too long.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (5 children)

Honestly yeah.

9/10 articles are about as well written as an average comment, and less to the point. We also know just how bad they tend to be on factually, we know they don't hold themselves to any kind of respectable standard, there's practically nothing to gain from reading their "work". We're going to come out of it with barely a whiff of reality whether we read it or not. You have to properly dive into it to understand what the potential trajectories really are here.

Personally I already know that scale makes a massive difference, I don't believe in souls so I find it reasonable to think of consciousness as emergent from simpler parts at scale, but maybe this approach won't get there and something more neuromorphic is necessary.

I also already know with some certainty that they're gonna keep scaling up for now, it's not interesting at all that "In roughly 3 years GPT will be smarter and faster and more consistent probably."

Besides, even if we achieve consciousness we'll reject the possibility and abuse it like it isn't for at least a decade where the only tangible difference will be better AI work and a machine capable of subdued suffering and hate and maybe murder eventually. But that's no more terrifying than people who believe in going to heaven for righteous holy wars being in possession of nuclear weapons so I don't really care if the current trajectory AI theoretically has all this potential. It doesn't make life on Earth feel less safe or less stable. ChatGPT-4o is very good at figuring out what word I'm trying to think of and that's kind of sweet. I don't like AI trash littering Google images, though. Pretty unfortunate, that.

Either way, most articles are utterly pointless.

They're generally written for search engine optimization, not people.

Almost none of the articles I've ever read even use links/sources properly as far as I was taught it, they just pointlessly link to themselves ad nauseam. Mention something Elon Musk said or did? Turn the name into a hyperlink to another article where they wrote something else about the man. Professional.

"Articles" are not a respectable medium.

They're long internet posts written by someone with a boss with an advertising partner, and few of the writers have any qualifications worth mentioning. Usually they can't call themselves knowledgeable in the subject. Often they can't even call themselves interested.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago

Why do we give companies the power to do things we don't agree with?

[–] 10 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

I don't know what it is about a certain kind of nerd and everything "fae" recently, but I feel like too many things are being associated with faeries, and put under an umbrella term named after them.

And their power level is rocketing up to Galactus levels.

It's like the words magic, myth, fantastical and supernatural have been replaced by fae to make it all fairy-esque with pretty and/or grotesque twigpeople as mascots. Sometimes it seems Godzilla is a fae, Thor is a fae, Bigfoot is a fae, Kraken is a fae, C'thulu is a fae, Jehovah is a fae, Dragons are fae.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago

Jeg er nådeløs, all veps som kommer innom hos meg er dømt til capital punishment.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

I was tanking and wiped three times on the sea giant in Siege of Boralus yesterday, at Mythic +3, before I remembered the giant statue in the middle of the area blocks the wave attack.

Top gamer.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If it's anything like the similar optical data storage crystals, it's write only.

They probably have no way to read these yet.


Because the shops don't fucking sell them, and that makes me sad for some reason.

They're just on like Temu and shit like that, usually with weirdly small black panels.


Too many users here prefer smaller communities and have openly stated they aren't interested in making accommodations to pursue growth to a truly large platform, even if it could be.

Lemmy is the sort of site that will linger in the background and quietly die out, it'll occassionally be mentioned in the same sorts of conversation that bring up old alternatives like voat, rare conversations with few readers.

I had some optimism at the growth spurt, but seeing what the opinions of users here were, that hope turned into cynicism. As I forgot about Lemmy, it's irrelevance was reinforced. It would be best, I think, if this foundation could replace its competitors. But I don't think it's going to happen.

I don't think you want common idiots to like the site.


Is it just random letters arrived to by keyboard mashing like a lot of federated websites seem, or is there any thought behind it?


It's always particularly nice and soft the first time you put it on, but the one I got most recently is so bad it leaves a thin but thorough coat of black fur on my arms when I take it off. What's the production methods used when making sweaters like this?


Isn't that supposed to only happen on Posts>All>New? Shouldn't Active/Hot posts require some existing engagement before appearing?

Does sometimes sync with federated instances, which is when new content floods en masse?

This is one of the experiences I've had that makes Lemmy feel far more janky than


I think this place is too fragmented into instances to ever generate a front page anywhere near what r/all is.

If I understand this page right, will never show the top post of the day from,, or

And the "front page/general" site is already split into several instances (,,, and, all claiming to be "a general front page lemmy instance")

So what's the deal, which one are we betting on as the place to direct all the new traffic? What's the contender for primary public internet bulletin board? Right now the arrow to an alternative is looking like this:

I'm personally guessing the conclusion is already reached; We have no place we're betting on. We're disinterested in pushing for any particular result. We don't expect people to migrate. Many might not even want them to.

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