It's time to quiz the new admin.
Would you rather fight one emperor sized albatross, or an albatross sized emperor?
Community for the Feddit UK instance.
A place to log issues, and for the admins to communicate with everyone.
It's time to quiz the new admin.
Would you rather fight one emperor sized albatross, or an albatross sized emperor?
Albatross sized emperor, it would be madness to pick a fight with a large bird. Those things are vicious.
Good answer. You receive +1 admin point 😁
Thanks for helping out keeping a normalised normality normal. 👍🏻
They can break a man's arm, you know
Do we know which man?
Barry. He has notoriously weak arms.
Most important question for your future planning for the instance:
Would you rather stub your toe every day for a year, or get kicked in the chest once by a horse?
I'm a fairly clumsy person, so I basically already stub my toe everyday.
Good answer! You've got my, entirely unnecessary, approval.
How many flamingos are you? What’s your collective noun?
At least 4 at any time and apparently the collective noun for flamingos is 'flamboyance'.
Hang on there, you’re not even a flock? Just at least four flamingos in a trench coat? I knew it.
Congratulations. And may I just say I have always been your most ardent supporter.
Do you, as per a book my child has, turn a different colour if you eat food other than those coloured pink?
Yeah, it's why I keep a pack of pink wafers on my ~~person~~ bird at all times.
Is there nothing flamingos can do?
They can certainly do nothing.
Congratulations! How bad was the hazing process?
Pretty bad, they made me fight an albatross-sized emperor with nothing but bread rolls.
Initiation ceremony is in the Coach and Horses pub in Doncaster at 3pm tomorrow. Bring your scalpels.
ooh £2.00 shots
Excellent, I can reuse the vetting procedure. Please state what you call a bread roll and if anyone disagrees then you can't be in charge anymore.
I just looked up a map of bread roll names. I generally feel there are few wrong answers (perhaps because I've lived in different parts of the UK and had to change like a chameleon in), except "morning roll".
"Morning roll" sounds like the work of replicants. Or possibly just toilet paper.
I also use three rolls of bog paper a day and find it helpful to have them categorised up by the part of the day they'll be used in.
With a bowel that active I'm glad to have you administrating, if only to keep you off the streets
We Emperors do our best work from the throne.
You're the real reason Thames Water ran up all that debt!
It wasn't paying dividends using loans, it was unclogging 3-rolls Emperor!
Been a while since I've disgraced the porcelain down south.
A 'morning roll' is kind of a different thing from your standard issue 'bread roll', though - bit more robust on the outside, which makes it better for containing hot food on the go. Kind of the opposite of a brioche, which is a waste of bread if I've ever seen it.
Baps, though I've heard those six-fingered savages across the river call them cobs‽
I'm sorry for your British, hope they find a cure
Congratulations, good luck keeping this rabble under control! 🎉
Make sure to take care of the wankers!