You can put cheese dust on cardboard, but it's still cardboard.
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
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I'd say the opposite tbh.
Even when I’m coating them in cheese and grilling them. Still gonna use the cheese ones.
Nobody says no to double cheese.
Exactly, you get me. I was inspired to make this meme when someone else made nachos and grilled natural corn chips with cheese on top. I always use the cheese ones and was so excited, but then it was natural... Had cheese on it though so it was still all right
Is not cheese though, it's cheese flavoured dust.
Still delicious
Cretin 😂 (j/k)
corn chips should taste like corn.
Brand in photo doesn't taste of anything, but yeah good corn chips taste like they were made from freshly made corn tortilla and are great, plain or flavoured.
I like them plain. I also like crisps plain and ideally low salt and not so greasy.
Yeah me too, the Heartland Nearly Nude 50% Reduced Salt are my favourites, they taste like Potato, not salt.
I haven't tried those yet. I'll get some the next time.
The propercrisp ones are real yum
I'll definitely try those out
Personally If I want to eat a lot of tortilla chips, I get the 1KG bags from Tio Pablo, no "cheese" flavour though!
Used to love the mexicano ones but they're not as good as they used to be. Also their Jalapeno flavour is barely spicy, even my 2 year old can eat it.
Try a different brand, Me Hiko, Go Nutz, or Tostitos plain are all much better than Mexicano. There are some other brands out there but I forget the names at the moment and those 3 are usually available in the supermarkets.
I will try them thank you!