
joined 2 years ago
[–] Wigglet 2 points 1 week ago

You hurt their donors. You strike at your regular job but it only works if the majority do it or in key industries. It's why the US has worked so hard to dismantle and discourage unions. Unions give the people power they can leverage.

Hard boycott is to stop consuming products from companies that donate to the administration. Dont buy them. Find alternatives where you can and go without when its not a necessity. It's really really hard but its the most powerful non violent method available

[–] Wigglet 5 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Strikes and hard boycotts are incredibly effective. There are other less favourable options too, but you should probably start with the strikes and boycotts.

[–] Wigglet 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I would start or participate in your local community garden. They are solarpunk af! If they don't already have it, an apartment composting scheme at the community garden.

As far as inside goes: maximising natural light and doing a balcony garden and filling the living space with house plants. Hydroponics is solarpunk. I would set up a wee fishtank nutrientcycler like they do in east asia. They look aesthetically solarpunk and help fertilise your garden..just make sure you get the right sized tank for the fish you choose.

[–] Wigglet 3 points 3 weeks ago

I started a new file end of last year and I'm just now at the first winter with only a couple items left until i complete the community centre. I still need the sturgeon, the sandfish, red quartz, and the red cabbage. I'm really looking forward to having it done then spending the next year courting my future wife and decorating

[–] Wigglet 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

We have different values, I guess. I don't think tolerating intolerance is acceptable. I think tolerance of intolerance is essentially condoning it. I don't see how silencing hate speech will "come back to bite me" any worse than the environment it creates. Allowing violence in language encourages violence of other forms, slippery slopes and all that.

You can point the finger in the other direction, saying silencing speech is a slippery slope to limiting all speech, but I'm still confident in my beliefs that tolerating intolerance is the greater of the evils to me.

[–] Wigglet 30 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

Paradox of tolerance. At this point in history it's important to draw hard lines. It will be up to police enforcement and since generally police are sympathetic to white nationalism, i don't think it will be used outside of public displays of clear intention.

[–] Wigglet 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

They outlined it. It's project 2025 + a push from putin around expanding the US empire

[–] Wigglet 1 points 1 month ago

All good stuff mate! Proud of you.

[–] Wigglet 3 points 1 month ago

Facts. I'm on lemmy via boost app on my phone. I wouldn't be otherwise

[–] Wigglet 8 points 1 month ago

Thanks mate. I really needed to hear this

[–] Wigglet 2 points 1 month ago

Nah I don't tell anyone unless it comes up. That said, I'm on social media and get DMs telling me I have autism accent, like multiple strangers, so I must not be subtle.

[–] Wigglet 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The propercrisp ones are real yum


Mōrena buzzy bees!

I've been off hunting beach treasures on some more remote beaches in the area. The amount of fishing and building waste is unreal! Mussle floats, buoys, treated timber posts and framing. A lot of plastic crab pot pieces and rope ends. We even found a piece of a pontoon which I'll be making into a new garden bed! We also saw a dead albatross, which was fascinating, but with the birdflu, we decided it was best to keep our distance.

Fellow dumpster divers and rubbish gremlins, what has been your favourite find?


Kia ora and happy new year 🎉

What are our hopes and dreams for 2025, and how are we going to work towards making them happen?


Kia ora! I'm just another solarpunk in Aotearoa looking for other like-minded friends, inspiration, and advice on other ways I can green up my life.

I live in an off-grid tiny home I built with my partner in 2016 out of wood and second-hand windows/doors/appliances. We run off solar power, rain water, a composting toilet, and try to repair, mend, make, borrow, and buy 2nd hand or local. Our meat is all hunted, which here in Aotearoa is a huge help for our environment as our only native mammals are seals and bats. Everything else is a pest. We also grow a lot of our own fruit and veggies, but the garden is still a work in progress.

I'm looking at irrigating the garden and automating the process. I saw something about https://www.home-assistant.io/ online but would love any advice you might have. I'd like to automate and chart my watering as well as integrate moisture monitors and a weather monitoring system.

I have an electric bike and an old 1996 honda crv. I'd like to switch to an electric vehicle, something like a Pickman 4x4 or another small farm vehicle, as I only need to get to the village bus stop, neighbouring farms, and the occasional trip into town via back roads.

Clothes are me-made with 2nd hand materials, mostly from the dump shop. I've helped start a collection point for alternative recycling like bottle lids and tetrapaks, a library of things, and a community workshop. We are working towards a bike repair hub and time bank but it might be a couple years before they are operational.

Please share all your inspiration, book recommendations, and thoughts around other ways I can make an impact in my community 😊


Kia ora 😊 We are replacing the software for our community library of things are looking for options. We live in a village so it would be a max of 300 accounts and probably 2000-3000 items in the inventory. I'm having a hard time finding anything open source.

I know it's very niche so no worries if nobody knows of anything 😊


With recessions and political hardship around the globe, this holiday season is feeling a bit rough for a lot of us. I've been thinking of ways we can try and make minor improvements on a microscale. Here are some of my thoughts and please share yours in the comments:

More casual no or low-cost gatherings. As it's summer in Aotearoa, we are doing weekly meet-ups in the local park for shared kai. It's bring what you can and shame free for those who forgot or couldn't afford to bring anything. We are also continuing our workshop events with free reusable gift wrap making and summer holidays sewing and crafts club.

On a more personal mission, this holidays I am starting a new calendar/journal to keep track of birthdays and likes/dislikes of the people around me so I can start my newest project, "Max happiness", where I try to maximise the happiness stats of everyone around me through flowers, baking, and produce from my garden. I plan to focus on growing favourite flowers or produce next year so I have casual low/no cost gifts and can show my appreciation with gifts that are meaningful and not a burden on our planet. I'll be starting with something a bit more achievable in the next 4 weeks with home baking for friends and neighbours.

For those who don't already have an established community, I recommend going to some mutual aid events for distributing food or resources into your community. You might also find shared spaces holiday events through your library, community garden, or community workshop. These are the sorts of places where community thrives and I'm sure you will find yourself right at home 🥰


Kia ora koutou katoa 💚

Some of you may remember me. I took a hiatus due to poor health and technical difficulties, but I'm back and ready to talk about all things community! I still need to catch up on reading everything posted for the last year, so please forgive me (and perhaps link me!) if any of this has already been covered 😅

Over the last year and a bit, I've been an elected member of my local community council, office holder of our Toy library, started working in emergency response communications, and helped start a community workshop. It's been a process learning how to navigate egos and still make progress.

I've found I absolutely love consensus decision-making and co-chair structures! Here in Aotearoa, there has been a change to the incorporated societies act. we are all required to rewrite our constitutions, which means we can hardwire more community-minded processes into our organisations. This will be especially handy for limiting the amount of control hostile council members can wield and hopefully lead to a more positive and productive future.

I literally just got a working phone yesterday, but I'm hoping to put together some resource lists for grants and community group structures. I think it would also be great to discuss what an ideal community looks like and what sort of community infrastructure can we implement on an individual level to move us closer to that vision. Think community gardens, free pantries, repair cafes, alternative recycling, co-working space, time banks, community workshops and tool libraries etc etc etc. We could come up with how-to guides to help other get similar things going in their communities making the process more accessible!

I also want to discuss software for community. We are switching our Toy library system in the next year, but the options for small non-profit community groups are limited. I think we've found one to handle general catalog with reserves and loans, but there doesn't seem to be anything out there at the moment to handle our future plans of starting a time bank.

Please TLDR about your lives over the last year. I want to hear about all you amazing people 🥰


I saw a lot of interest in personal growth and betterment so this is the place to tell us what you're proud of and hype up other community members 💚


One of the things I'd like to include in thr community garden I'm working on establishing is a food pantry. I'd love to have a place with recycled containers to take home garden goodies, residents to leave extra dry goods, and things like care products/toiletries. I've seen pictures of them online and read articles about them but the closest thing we have here is honesty boxes.

Has anyone made one or used one? Do you have any tips? I'd love to hear some recommendations on practical designs work best or what products you wish yours had more/less of.


Now is a good time to think about a small way you can help, even it it's just making an effort to pick up some rubbish on a walk. For me, it's winter and I start to feel a bit down from the lack of sunlight hours so i like to give myself a very small and achievable goal that can give me a little boost of serotonin. Between winter bugs, storms, and work things, I haven't been getting outside enough. I want to make an effort to go walk the local reserves at least once next month and pick up rubbish. It's small but it leaves me room to do even more if I'm feeling up to it without feeling guilty if I only have one good day of energy.

What small things are you wanting to do?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Wigglet to c/technology

I kinda understand it has to do with frequencies and the speed they can send information but I don't know enough to have a productive conversation with those that think it's mind altering cancer rays. Thats also what i keep running into online when I'm trying to find a dummy version for how it all works. I know I'll probably never be able to have a truly productive conversation with those types but i would like to have a better understanding myself.

It would be helpful to explain and frame it with radio and public broadcasting as well. to me, these are all happy information rays that send me thing i like but i don't full understand the technology behind it.

Thanks everyone this has been super helpful! Might try and make an info graph for to hang in my post box since I've gotten some crazy anti 5g flyers recently

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