It's OK! Republicans are KNOWN for doing their Own Research and will SURELY find these Clips on their Own!
United States | News & Politics
Former GOP leaders and Trump officials? Cool and good.
Palestinian-Americans? Now let's not be crazy!
The reaction to that speech was disgraceful
No but don't you understand kiddo? Genocides perpetrated by republicans are unconscionable, but genocides perpetrated by democrats are just savvy politicking.
"If we don't commit genocide the other party will commit worse genocide!"
Maybe i'm in the minority here, but inviting republicans from the bush years to speak at the DNC isn't actually that reassuring to me if I care about stopping genocide, or think that the US foreign policy as a whole is bad and wrong.
Hell I'd go so far as to say if you invite a ghoul like Mike Pence to speak at your convention, you obviously don't give a shit about LBG issues at all, and are only using them as a shied so that no one can criticize your absolute inaction over the past 50 years on all social issues.
The point being made with their appearance is that Trump is so toxic and repulsive that defectors are actively coming out of the woodwork to endorse Harris. It's meant to appeal to independents and Republicans who see modern Trump and are increasingly off-put by him.
Now, they are all aggressively repulsive pieces of shit, sure. But I think we all agree that Trump is an even more aggressive piece of shit in comparison.
Participating in oppressor Olympics means you don't actually hold any values.
Refusing to participate in anything and just letting bad things happen means you don't actually hold any values.
So you support Genocide. Good to know, now just be honest with yourself.
"sitting around doing nothing does not make you morally superior"
"So you support genocide"
Well you sure sound like a rational person with reasonable arguments worth listening to...
Who said anything about doing nothing? There is a large amount you can do beside supporting genocide "because the world is complex", and doing nothing. One of those things is not voting for the parties that support genocide as a bare minimum.
"There's lots of things you can do, one of those things is nothing."
Refusing to participate in anything
What are you saying? That First Past The Post voting disenfranchises a huge portion of the electorate by artificially limiting the number of viable political parties?
The "totally supports democracy" democrats are probably all over correcting this issue in the states they control right?
Yup, FPTP is garbage, and the US is a dumpster fire third world country with a Gucci handbag.
And yet, doing nothing can result in things getting even worse, so someone shouldn't pretend to have some sort of moral superiority over doing nothing from stopping napalm being thrown on the fire because "it's already burning anyway."
Appealing to right wing voters by adopting their policies never works.
These ex-Republicans are not reaching other Republicans at the DNC. They are speaking to Democrats and selling them on their policies.
Did you actually listen to any of their speeches?
No as you can read in the article Fox News didn't air them /s
And no one was surprised.
Fox news is the most partisan of media.
I got kicked out from Radio, Television, and Film school for poor grades, poor attendance, and a number of other poor choices, so I really don't know what I'm talking about when I ask this question:
Doesn't that violate the Equal Time Rule?
According to this FCC fact sheet:
Equal opportunities and other political-related benefits are available only to individuals who have attained the status of “legally qualified candidate.” These rules do not apply to cable channels or web-based video or audio such as streamed video content, podcasts, or social media.
And since Fox News is a cable channel, it does not apply
I'm almost positive that Fox isn't cable... It's broadcast and carried by cable companies because they're required to do so by the FCC
Doesn’t that violate the Equal Time Rule?
not at all, nor should that rule even exist. It's always been a bunch of bullshit pushed by conservatives to normalize their positions.
But without fairness and balance, how are the masses supposed to think unpopular ideas have significant support???
Probably not, since they did cover a presidential candidate and other speakers are not the ones running.
As you can see, if conservatives were not chained to the Republican party by First Past the Post voting, they could at least have a chance to elect a more moderate conservative party.
like the democrats with a new name.
Give your fellow citizens the freedom to vote outside the two party system by supporting an electoral reform movement in your state.
Of course fox didn’t cover them, fox is too busy glazin that weird, geriatric fucking idiot.