I had an idiot say to a guy, at extract, "You stole my samples, I'm kicking you." I told him you couldn't steal samples, they're shared. I got kicked too. Some people are just either stupid or malicious, but fortunately they seem to be less and less frequent.
Helldivers 2
Welcome to the Helldivers 2 Community on the Fediverse.
Galactic War Status
- Be kind to other Citizens of Super Earth
- No discussion of cheats or bug exploits.
- Posts or comments with leaked / unreleased info must be clearly labelled. Example: Use [Spoiler] in the title or spoiler tag in comments.
- No spam or advertising (YouTube, Twitch, etc)
- Automaton bots/AI will be reported to a Democracy Officer
Banner by Noobmasterpro
I know I suck
If you sucked, then they'd have kicked you earlier to replace you with someone better.
don’t waste my time letting me help you clear mission objectives
Cruelty is the point. Traitors want their fellow divers to suffer due to some dark, undemocratic urges. There are rumors about the bots being able to brainwash, but that is unverified.
What they've really done is let you know that they need to be blocked. (Social, recent players, block.)
Until they are being sent to a freedom camp I think that’s the best way to deal with them. Can’t liberate with this broken sense of democracy.
Yeah that's a shit move.
I feel like this would be solved by Arrowhead not allowing you to kick people X minutes before the end of a mission, and/or giving you rewards based on how long you were in a mission before kicked/disconnected.
My team was running together. Host calls down resupply. We all grab a pack. Then host teamkills all of us from behind. Wtf, right?
He reinforces us. I teamkill him in return. Get kicked.