More states legalize sales of unpasteurized milk, despite public health warnings
We're focused on cooking and the science behind how it changes our food. Some chemistry, a little biology, whatever it takes to explore a critical aspect of everyday life.
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This is small farms, not anything in huge scale. I really don’t see the problem. I’ve personally never had issues from any local farms with any of their non pasteurized products, but I know there’s always a risk.
Unpasteurized milk products are common in Europe
I’m guessing you all process your animal products very, wildly different than we do. Probably also raise them pretty differently too. I wouldn’t trust unpasteurized dairy/eggs from a factory farm. Nope. No way.
The lady who has some chickens wants to give Tim some? I’m. Yes please. Or the lady with some goats who makes cheese and beauty products. Totally. Bring it on.
Different things here.