❗❗❗ Announcing the official community here: !beyond@lemm.ee and also announcing the first open testing for the alpha version is available for Android here: https://lemm.ee/post/688038 ❗❗❗
Hi all, keeping this post short, I am working on a new Lemmy app for iOS and Android, heavily inspired on the Infinity for Reddit app.
The app is very much still a work in progress, but I's like to share some screenshots and a few MVP functionalities already implemented:
Already implemented:
- Anonymous browsing;
- Login;
- Multiple accounts support;
- Account switcher;
- Post cards
- Sorting posts by Lemmy's sorting options (Active/Hot/New/etc..);
- Listing posts by Lemmy's listing options (Subscribed/Local/All);
- Upvote, downvote (and counters), comment counter, save;
- Mark post as read;
- Infinite post scrolling (keep on scrolling, app loads more posts in the background);
What's next before I make it available in the app stores (MVP):
- Post view (see post's comments);
- Add a comment to a post;
- Create a post;
- A sexier selected account card on the sidebar;
What's still to do before I can call it a beta version:
- Profile view;
- Community view (rules mods other details);
- Search;
- Dark mode;
What's to come after:
- Custom theming/Material You support;
- Advanced post filters;
- Community groups (Add communities to a group, see posts only from selected group);
- A video player with controls over speed playback and maybe quality if possible;
- Alternative posts view (compact card, list, etc)
- Other cool misc options.
- Kbin and Mastodon accounts support.
Keep an eye for future posts, I may be able to announce the MVP by the end of this week if everything goes well, but I can't promise anything :)
This post got so much traction than I had predicted. Thank you so much for all your comments and ideas! I tried to reply to as many as I could.
I also collected from this post a bunch of good suggestions from you which for now I am keping track of here: https://brunofinger.notion.site/brunofinger/Beyond-45cabaae7f724cd5ad2b77d902e9a97e
The app name probably will be "Beyond" as suggested by a couple of users here, and really like this idea as it creates a sort of symbolic link to Infinity as the inspiration for my work by the famous "To Infinity and Beyond" phrase :)
Feel free to suggest names here :)
I like Lemur! Maybe Lemiverse?
Lemur is already the name of a Lemmy app that died :/
It was Lemmur, but close enough to not get my vote.
Lemmur may well have died, but its being resurrected...
I'll suggest they keep the 'Lemur' name.
I like Lemiverse. It's a lot more searchable than Lemur and reminds me of the space theme of Infinity with the lil guy in the flying saucer.
Yeah lemur is a good name. Nice icon with a wee lemur on it maybe ?
I don't have much of an imagination so I asked Bing AI:
If you wanted to stick to Infinity's space-ish theme, I think Lagrange would fit pretty well (though there is a Gemini browser of the same name)
Or a synonym of Infinity like Boundless or Eternity
Eternity has a nice ring to it 🙏
If it’s OK with u/iamthatis, I’d suggest … Mercury (the Roman name for Apollo).
I like going the lemming related route...
Or in a different direction: Lemmyn. With a yellow citrus 🍋 logo.
Also, Infinity was my most recent Reddit app of choice. I miss it. Really looking forward to testing yours out.
How about LeMobile
Thank you all for your suggestions, as some have suggested above, I think I will probably go with Beyond, as Buzz Lightyear says, "To Infinity and Beyond!", seems like a good way to honor Infinity but also look at the future beyond.
How about drawing name inspiration from infinity as well and altering Ouroboros the eternal self-eating serpent.
You might call it Lemmoboros and the logo could be something like this:
I vote for LemmyParty