
joined 11 months ago

I have a job I don't quite like and I'm shooting applications elsewhere. I work full time and I'm also looking for another job in my city that fits my qualifications. I cannot change states or move to another city, it is what it is.

So far I've sent 5 apps for positions that interest me: 2 have answered, one could offer me a different but similar job (position already filled) and the other one, while fitting what I majored in, means constant stress, plans that change constantly, even several times a day, a pay reduction and the last 2 who applied to do this quit in 4 and 6 months respectively.

At least they were honest during the interview, but I now feel depressed. I was hoping to work there and quit my current job.


Im introverted and have always enjoyed my solitude. Some people have complained that I don't talk much, which is true, I don't need to talk to feel good.

After changing workplaces, I decided to be proactive and introduce myself to my new coworkers. I was friendly and did it properly: my name, smiley face and what I do, eager to help them.

Some of them are friendly, greet back when I greet, but jesus christ, others outright avoid even eye contact with me like the plague, even though I kept greeting them for at least 2 more days.

Now I've returned the favor and I ignore them, not even asking them to do anything for me because last time I did, one of them said she would take a batch of documents to a nearby department but then outright ignored it and I had to do it myself.

It's also a bit funny: 2 coworkers that the first day had small but normal conversations with me now look elsewhere when they see me... and I give them back the same treatment. Childish and petty? extremely, but I ask you: what should I do?

Introverted me says: what were you expecting? This is what people are, don't bother trying to be extroverted, see what this brought you, return to your introverted self, do your job and go home, but this might sabotage me.

I confess neither do I know how to react when people are friendly when I'm talking to a coworker they like but the moment this coworker leaves, they turn to a mute.

To me, those of you who can play this silly workplace theater so well are geniuses. I cannot fake that a boring person interests me, nor can I fake respect for a person who treats me like I described.

I'd like to read your feedback.


this is strange, but I have the feeling I have to apply more sunscreen to my arms and shoulders. OTOH I feel my legs and torso don't need as much stuff, neither does my face.

When I sunbath I only wear my swim trunks and I lay on the ground, which means my legs and torso receive the same amount of radiation as my arms and shoulders.

I could understand that my arms and shoulders needed more sunscreen if I walked under the sun, but that's rarely the case: I lay on the ground.

Does this happen to you?

my arms are thinner than my legs: do I need more sunscreen in the areas where blood vessels are thinner / muscles are leaner?


alternative post title: how can I grow a thicker skin, so I simply stop caring what my coworkers think or say?

I'm still looking for a drama free workplace and I don't understand why people seem to enjoy creating chaos out of nowhere

Working in several industries, I've met:

  • white Christian nationalist: too many Arabs and Mexicans in our country, somebody should send them all back to where they belong, and I'm very Christian. This was 5 minutes after meeting me for the first time. Why even tell this to a coworker?

  • Married woman complaining to me about how her husband isn't so affectionate nowadays: 2 minutes after meeting me for the first time. Who does that? Shouldn't you tell this to somebody you trust, like a friend and not a stranger you met 2 minutes ago?

  • An anti vaxxer trying to convert me to his cause, or however you want to call it.

  • And just today: 'it's good that Trump was shot' Why would a sane person blurt that out in the middle of our pause for everyone to hear you? Why do you need to antagonize your coworkers? This was a manager btw.

I have waaaaay more examples, but I'll keep it simple.

I just want to work and go home. Completely drama free. I don't want to care what coworkers think, but apparently I'm very thin skinned and I'm easy to be triggered. Each of the examples I wrote triggered me: I wanted to yell 'fck off, you piece of sht, I don't give a f*ck what you think, leave me alone', or something like that. But I need the job.

My conundrum: If this happens at every workplace, wouldn't it make more sense to stay with the devil you know?

Unless, of course, you've job hopped till you found a drama free workplace... please tell me how you did it.

I want to be the old guy who doesn't give a f*ck about stuff like this, yet it still triggers me.


cross-posted from:

you might be an introvert, passionate about your job, or simply old enough to disregard friendships at work because you already have enough friends and a family.

The coworkers I like the most are the ones that come to work, don't like drama, do their job and go home. That's what I try to do.

However, there are always some established cliques who know how to play the unit / supervisor and get away doing much less, even feeling entitled to order you around, even though they are not your supervisor.

To people who experience this. How do you tolerate it? Even after changing jobs, this can happen at your new workplace, maybe it happens in every workplace?


I used to read the r/politics channel, genuinely thinking it was unbiased.

How naive of me.

After Biden's disastrous performance debating Trump, each post there doubles down on how Trump is a unique threat to democracy, is a dictator in waiting, and don't forget SCOTUS is corrupt, so we should pack it...

You cannot claim American democracy is on the line and then put an octogenarian who forgets what's he saying in the middle of a sentence and can only talk decently with a teleprompter as a candidate to 'save' democracy from republicans. It does not compute. It's ludicrous and so old already and only your base listens to you. Elections are won in the middle, your fans alone are never enough, for neither party.

That channel's answer? doubling down, everything's good. democrats are gonna win!

Note that I'm not looking for a republican channel of trumpian morons claiming the election in 2020 was stolen.

I tend to vote democratic, but today it seems our side is as stupid and tribal as theirs.

ETA: if not politics communities, what about media that's more or less unbiased?

I'd also appreciate website suggestions about pages dedicated to make predictions about the outcome of the election, as unbiased as possible...

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

I assume that's an old pillowcase?


cross-posted from:

I've started sunbathing because... reasons.

second day: I applied sunscreen to my skin and after some 30 seconds of rubbing my arms, I started to see what I could be dead skin on my hands: tiny balls of grey and white junk, the size of one to several sand grains, but not hard to press like sand or a tiny particle of wood.

The other thing that crossed my mind is it could be rests of the chemical sunscreen I use. Has this ever happened to you with chemical screens?

Is this normal?


cross-posted from:

after running under the rain for 30 minutes my white sneakers had a foul stench. I tried disinfectant and washing them with soap and water and lots of rubbing and sunlight to dry.

While that got rid of most of the smell, my white sneakers are now brownish, specially around the shoelaces.

I've never washed sneakers in the washing machine. Am I going to ruin them?


cross-posted from:

on my last post I wrote device is a redmi 9c. Turns out it's a redmi 10c and the custom ROM I wanted to install won't work.

Anyhow, to unlock the device the official way I have to identify to their services through a phone line, not internet, and purchase a sim card, which I'm not going to do to experiment with this device.

I have no use for the stock software in the device and I'd rather have anything foss that works or kinda works.

If you ever experimented with this particular model or know what could work, feel free to post an answer.

debian 12.5


on my last post I wrote device is a redmi 9c. Turns out it's a redmi 10c and the custom ROM I wanted to install won't work.

Anyhow, to unlock the device the official way I have to identify to their services through a phone line, not internet, and purchase a sim card, which I'm not going to do to experiment with this device.

I have no use for the stock software in the device and I'd rather have anything foss that works or kinda works.

If you ever experimented with this particular model or know what could work, feel free to post an answer.

debian 12.5


some posts have zero comments and views


most guides I found online are for windows based computers and those that even name linux are outdated.

fastboot devices recognizes the device and I can also boot the phone to fastboot: it shows a black (not blank) screen with the word FASTBOOT printed orange.

I tried following but fastboot flashing unlock and fastboot oem unlock return FAILED (remote: 'Token Verify Failed, Reboot the device ')

developer options and OEM unlocking are both activated on the device

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

I’ve worked in jobs with plenty of downtime, but have never worked in one where I could just wander off to exercise or read a book openly. I was expected to be finding things to do or to at least appear busy and engaged.

good point, this changes the calculus

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I don't know if you're complaining but if you are, I don't understand you. I want to be you.

earning money doing almost nothing is meaningless? You earn money for doing nothing! and you cannot be fired, so...

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

do these jobs you got later pay you better?

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

right, 2014 mbp, 11.1, 8 GB RAM

thank you very much for your helpful post

[–] 16 points 9 months ago (1 children)

oh, Iraq produces wmd

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

why thanks...?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

There are a few exceptions and the relevant one here is breaking the law

could you paste a source?

Regarding the Indian national: No, no blurred face, which I find denigrating because to me this is sensationalism against a person who cannot defend himself.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

is fdroid malware?

notice that this didn't start after I installed non google boards, but after I installed the vendor's latest update, 4 weeks ago.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I’m a nurse who quit nursing for IT a year ago.

what exactly do you do in IT and who paid for your certification?

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