I bought mine at an Asian grocery.
I've been looking at Charles Dowd's method and Ruth Stout's method. We're doing a refurbishment of the raised beds this year, so the only gardening I'm doing is containers and what I already have planted.
By refurbishment, I mean, we're reconfiguring the 2 4x4 beds + the 3x4 bed into one long u shape bed, hopefully by fall, so I can dump compost and mulch and other amendments to the soil and let it sit overwinter for next spring.
Modern Mrs Darcy, my RSS list of book blogs, Book Riot, Lit Hub, Electric Lit, Arts & Letters Daily, Goodreads, StoryGraph. I was getting recs from a handful of subreddits, for genre fiction too. I read physical and ebooks. Edit to add: I also have a few authors I autobuy/read their newsletters so I can get their newest book whenever it comes out.
I have lavender right now, and as soon as I look in my seed box, I'm going to get cat grass and catnip going for the cats of the house. Rosemary's a pain in my climate, but I use it a lot in my cooking, so I keep trying. My lemon balm's done so well, lol. Even neglected, it thrives. Well, as long as it gets water, but it's been dry here. I'm in 7a.
Oh that sounds good. Thanks for the rec!
I have a lot of physical books and e-books, and I switch between them. Mostly it's reading on my Kindle app on my phone or my Kindle Paperwhite, especially if I'm reading a library book or a KU/Prime Reading book to make sure the author is getting their percentage. I also have the Kobo app and have the new Kobo plus subscription.
I've already read 52 books this year, as I don't work outside the home, and it doesn't take ages to keep house. Before bed is a prime time to read, and whenever I can fit it in during the day. I've been making myself read instead of social media this year when I'm waiting in public.
I'm working my way through Thinking, Fast and Slow at a chapter a day. It took me a minute to get his point (well near the 30% mark, that is) but it's illuminating about how people think.
Tropico 6, Cities Skylines, or any city builder. Planet Zoo once I get a less potato PC (CS too). I'll load up a sandbox map and build. And if I need to get up for any reason, I can hit pause.
So many spices! Would adding racks above the bottom layers help with space?