What is a good source for this and China in general?
The LSE and its executives are kegally responsible for overseeing listed companies and ensuring compliance with laws prohibiting the trade of goods produced through forced labour. This includes fines and even prison sentence if they fail to do so.
Fünf Jahre nach Corona-Ausbruch: WHO fordert von China mehr Daten über Pandemie
Fünf Jahre nach dem Ausbruch der Coronapandemie hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) China erneut aufgefordert, mehr Daten zur Aufklärung der Ursprünge zur Verfügung zu stellen.
„Wir fordern China weiterhin auf, Daten und Zugang zu teilen, damit wir die Ursprünge von COVID-19 verstehen können“, erklärte die WHO in Genf. „Dies ist ein moralisches und wissenschaftliches Gebot.“ Es gehe darum, Lehren für die Zukunft zu ziehen.
Während der Pandemie hatte sich die WHO immer wieder über mangelnde Transparenz und Kooperation der chinesischen Behörden beschwert. Bis heute wird erbittert über den genauen Ursprung der Pandemie gestritten.
Unter dem Eindruck der Coronakrise hatte die internationale Gemeinschaft im Dezember 2021 begonnen, ein Abkommen zur Prävention und Bekämpfung von Pandemien auszuarbeiten. Die 194 WHO-Mitgliedstaaten haben sich zwar auf die wichtigsten Inhalte des Abkommens geeinigt, allerdings sind die Verhandlungen zur praktischen Umsetzung festgefahren.
Es gibt viele Berichte der WHO und anderer Einrichtungen und Wissenschafter/-innen (darunter sogar manchmal aus China selbst).
Also Peter Thiel (probably more important in this context as he the main supporter of JD Vance's political career), and Sam Altman.
The 996 working culture in full blossom.
Two public figures with common interests.
For those who may not know about the AfD:
The AfD and China’s Marriage of Convenience -- (May 2024)
Chinese engagement with the AfD dates back at least as far as 2019. Back then, AfD’s lead candidate in the 2024 European elections Maximillian] Krah was once again the politician in the [Chinese Communist Party] CCP’s eyeline. Traveling with his now arrested aide Guo [German citizen Jian Guao was arrested in Germany in April 2024 over alleged espionage for China], Krah was invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to China by Huawei, although Krah disputes that the state-run tech company paid for anything other than a train ticket. This trip came just months after Krah was first elected to the European parliament, raising serious concerns that he had become – or was becoming – a Chinese asset within the EU. Since the trip, Krah has described concerns about Chinese policy in Xinjiang as ‘anti-China propaganda without facts,’ whilst supporting the CCP’s territorial claims to Tibet and Taiwan. In the European parliament, Krah’s voting record would have been looked upon favourably from Beijing, with the MEP shying away from criticism of China and coming to the defense of Huawei.
Krah is not the first AfD politician to have connections with authoritarian regimes, the article says.
What is a good source for this?
Gao Shanwen and and Fu Peng, chief economist at brokerage firm Northeast Securities, have stayed under the radar after challenging official rhetoric painting a rosy picture for China’s growth outlook. Even the South China Morning Post reported about that, citing Northeast Securities that Fu would not be making “any public appearances for the time being,” as public “misrepresentation” has caused “considerable distress”. Now it seems that also Gao will 'not appear in the public.' But I wouldn't expect an official confirmation by the Chinese government for that.
The other comment appears to be tankie speech as well, a lot of words in a tonality resembling what is written in the respective echo chambers. I very much doubt they've ever seriously read a book about these issues, they are just parroting.
I meant tiredturtle's. The other comment appears to be not related to the article at all imho.
This is one of these pseudo-intellectual comments pretending knowledge but indeed explains nothing. Unfortunately this is widespread here on Lemmy.
Media outlets will have to develop their own audiences over time by using decentralized digital services. It may (seem to) take longer than using centralized services, but it's the only way to avoid censorship and make independent decisions in their strategy and operations.
Basically, media outlets will grow their own audiences like in the old days, just now they do with the digital help.
This is, as we all know, what the internet was supposed to be in the beginning: a decentralized network.
Abgesehen davon, dass Dein Kommentar offenbar nichts damit zu tun hat, dass China anders als alle anderen Staaten keine Daten an die WHO liefert (und damit die Gesundheitsrisiken für alle Nationen unnötig erhöhen), gibt es noch einen Unterschied: In Deutschland können Leute wie Dr. Drosten die Regierung offen kritisieren, und es passiert ihnen nichts.
Wenn in China ein Wissenschafter eine andere Meinung äussert als die Regierung in Peking, sperren sie ihn aus dem Labor. Chinese virologist who was first to share COVID-19 genome sleeps on street after lab shuts.
Dabei hatte Zhang Yongzhen noch relativ gesehen Glück, denn es gibt Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die verschwunden sind.