Precisely. Some people are way too eager to support one side simply because they hate the other.
It's very likley that in a month or so Russia will have achieved some of their new targets in the east of the country. But this will not come cheaply and they will have lost more than they stand to gain.
I guess primates spend their whole day searching for food, seeking a mate, defending their territory, or looking after offspring. This is work.
I think I might have gotten mixed up as to what parts are ironic and what parts aren't
Yes, you make a good point. The west should be talking more about the conflicts we are responsible for (which if you go back in history is probably practically all of them)
I do try to get out every day, sometimes it helps but sometimes it makes me feel more worn out.
I'll try keeping my window open a bit more often.
I don't think the distractions are the problem, on good days I'm motivated enough to keep away from the distractions. On the bad days I can force myself to keep staring at the work but my brain just wanders or I just stare into space.
I'm sober at the moment due to wanting to focus on my work. I'm starting to think it could be sleep related so I might give this a shot
This is possible, I'm vegan so I probably don't get much from my diet, and I live in the UK so we probably only get enough sunlight in the summer. Do you take vitamin D supplements?
I don't know much about it honestly. I'm not really an impulsive person though?
I think sleep could be a big part of it, I've always struggled to maintain any kind of sleep schedule. I don't think I suffer from any severe mental health problems as I'm fairly functional in day-to-day life.
I thought burnout was more of a long term thing, whereas mine tends to resolve the next day (or occasionally after a few hours). Sometimes I will have a weekend which is bad
Hmm okay