
joined 8 months ago
[–] 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I mean, a country with minimal military spending (or, one that doesn't have their own encrypted satellite network) can get a commodity device that gives modern connection speeds with very modest latency.

But the empowerment it obviously gives to an underpowered military is phenomenal.

Indeed, that's how it was sold. But that's not what it ever really was. What it really is, is a big fat on/off button in the hands of a private corporation, and the nation where that corporation is based. It's generally a bad idea to put the on/off button of your entire military into the hands of an outside power, as is made abundantly clear now.

This kind of technology isn't really feasible for smaller nations to establish on their own. The only countries that should ever rely on Starlink, or it's equivalent, are countries that either control it, or countries that are already vassals of countries that control it.

Not like Ukraine exactly had a lot of options at the time, of course...

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Fantastic! Good show, Jerry! :)

I love the familiar, efficient interface; the lighter resource use; and it even turn browsing Lemmy through Lynx into a pleasant experience.

I see most instances link their alternative frontends on the their sidebar, so that people know they're available. You could consider the same.

EDIT: I see you also just added modbot. Great to see good tools like that added! I'm sure /c/crypto is going to be off to a great (re)start, now.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Adding this as a comment, instead of soap boxing my own opinion from the post body:

I think we should sign it. Personally, I would appreciate Infosec.Pub defederating form any Fediverse instance run by, or affiliated with companies/corporations that have a stake in the data business or AI development.


Hey and everyone else,

Would it be possible to have mlmym installed for Infosec.Pub?
It's a front-end that perfectly replicates the classic, interface.

Besides the familiarity being nice for many, as well as it being more compact than even the compact-style themes we currently have available, I think the most important feature is that, unlike most other offerings, including the default that we're using, mlmym works perfectly without javascript enabled.

A bunch of other instances already have it installed. If you want to try it out, SDF is one such instance.

I don't know how big of a hassle it is to install, but I know I would appreciate it a lot!


The pact is a declaration of intent to block any Meta-governed instances that try to federate. There are some useful stats here about which, and how many instances have already committed to the pact. All types of Fediverse instances have signed, including some Lemmy instances, though it seems to be especially Mastodon instances that have signed it.

Is this something you have an opinion on, or already made a decision about, Is it something we should discuss as a community?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Awesome, thanks jerry!

Welcome to the party - glad you want to take care of !! I hope you'll be able to convince a decent chunk of your community to come with. :)

Perhaps look into finding a decent cross-post tool, and start cross-posting any posts made on /r/crypto to /c/crypto. Well, I suppose you should give OP a short amount of time to also post here, in case they already have an account, but otherwise, you should do it. No one will migrate, or start being active here, if there isn't already some activity.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (17 children)

I think you would be a most perfect fit here. I think a lot of people on this instance would be excited to have a vibrant crypto community here.

The crypto community we have here isn't so much "lower quality" as it is just dead. There's been just three posts there in the last year. I was going to suggest you ask the owner of it if you could take over, but it looks like they haven't been active for two years.

I think you should just ask or if you can take over. There's no reason to have two crypto communities, if one of them is dead; you get to keep your old identity of being called "crypto", instead of "cryptography", or something else; and there are presumably a lot of the subscribers of /c/crypto that would very much like to have an active crypto community show up in their feed.

Welcome to Lemmy, and to - I hope to be able to say the same to your community!

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Hvis du kører Fedora, og du bare har brugt standardindstillingerne da du installerede det, så har du btrfs som filsystem. Det kan tage snapshots af hele dit system (eller mindre bidder) på 0 sekunder, som fylder 0mb*, og som du kan rulle hele dit system tilbage med, på kun den tid det tager at genstarte.

Det hjælper dig selvfølgelig ikke nu, i den aktuelle situation, hvis du ikke allerede havde fået slået automatiske snapshots til. Men hent Btrfs Assistant, så du har det klar til en anden gang. Det er skide nemt at bruge, med en fin grafisk brugerflade.

*Snapshots'ene fylder 0mb når de bliver taget, men de begynder at fylde mere over tid, i takt med at data på dit system ændrer sig væk fra tilstanden da de blev oprettet. Du sætter det bare op i Btrfs Assistant til at de bliver automatisk slettet efter noget tid. Btrfs er virkelig et vidunderligt filsystem!

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

You are the one, Neko.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Use OBS for streaming. It's a great FOSS piece of software. You generally don't stream your whole desktop, but instead make a composite of different sources, such as different windows. Start experimenting with it if, if you want to start streaming soon. Same for you,!