Perfect, thanks!
Thanks! I need win 64 exe if you can, and catbox works fine for me. That's very considerate.
Need github account to download 😿😿😿😿
Codeburg and gitlab very outdated repo. Anywhere else?
The documentary can be see here: DOT html
Reason for the film's removal TLDR narrator is son of a civil servant in Gaza Department of Agriculture. Racist genocide enthusiasts call this son of Hamas official. Aka genocide coverup
This tool is very powerful! Just what I needed, thanks again. Turns out you need pandoc 3+ and linux mint repo has 2.9, so after upgrading that rga started working, but it still throws this error from time to time:
Error: copying adapter output to stdout
Caused by:
0: subprocess: Command { std: "pandoc" "--from=epub" "--to=plain" "--wrap=none" "--markdown-headings=atx", kill_on_drop: false }
1: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(16384))
I will have to keep looking into it, I'm not sure if this error stops the search in it's tracks.
This looks pretty cool, thanks!
So the real victims here are the Jews? Still?
That makes sense, thanks!
Monero has some of the least volatility of all the coins. I'm not really sure how that happens, maybe because it's not on major exchanges so not subject to speculation, aside from having an actual use case.
The narrator is a child that has lived his whole life under siege
The narrators father's position in the department of agriculture is literally within the first 5 seconds of the film
To believe Zionist propaganda it is very important that people know nothing, but parrot well. Thank you for your service.