
joined 2 years ago
[–] renard_roux 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

... wasn't OpenAI not also ...

Uhm. No? Or yes? Maybe? 🤔😅

[–] renard_roux 8 points 2 days ago

"... reports Chinese state propaganda branch, through western media ..." 🙄

[–] renard_roux 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Rough turbo-treatment:

Ella can't seem to hold on to her husbands; every time she thinks she's finally got a marriage worth keeping, she gets divorced. Strangely, this always coincides with her starting a new garden. But this time is going to be different — she's just married Mark, and he's Mr. Perfect. This time, there will be NO gardens! But then Ellas favorite aunt dies, and leaves her a billion dollars and a sprawling estate in England. The catch? Her aunts will stipulates that in order to receive the inheritance, Ella must create the perfect garden, and win the coveted Norfolk Garden Of The Year award. And she has 6 months to pull it off.

and then I ran that through ChatGPT a few times ...

Title: "The Garden Curse"

Movie Trailer Script:

[Soft romantic music. A bouquet is tossed at a wedding. Freeze-frame. Ella’s voiceover kicks in.]

Ella (voiceover, wry):
"Hi, I’m Ella. Three marriages, three divorces, and one really weird curse: every time I start a garden… my husband leaves."

[Quick montage of Ella digging in gardens while husbands dramatically exit: slamming doors, driving off, and one just yelling, "I CAN’T DO THIS!"]

Ella (to camera, deadpan):
"Yeah, I’m done with plants."

[Cut to her dream wedding. Ella and Mark, her charming new husband, laughing and spinning on the dance floor.]

"Now she’s married to Mark. Mr. Perfect. No gardens. No curse. Just love."

Ella (to Mark, serious):
"Promise me: no gardens, no divorces!"

[Record scratch. Cut to a lawyer’s office. Ella stares in disbelief.]

"Your aunt left you her billion-dollar estate in Norfolk, England."


Lawyer (grinning):
"On one condition: you must create a garden and win the Norfolk Garden of the Year award. Within 6 months."

[Cut to Ella standing in the middle of an overgrown, chaotic estate in England, jaw dropped.]

Ella (panicked, to Mark):
"The curse! If I pick up a shovel, you’ll be gone by Christmas!"

Mark (smirking):
"Ella, it’s just a garden. I’m not going anywhere."

[Fast-paced montage of chaos: Ella covered in mud, accidentally spraying herself with a hose, and losing a fight with a hedge trimmer. Mark looks on, half-amused, half-concerned.]

"But curses don’t care how perfect your husband is…"

[Mark sitting alone at dinner as Ella sketches garden plans. Ella frantically planting under moonlight while Mark sighs in the doorway. The eccentric judge of the Norfolk competition glances at Ella’s half-finished garden, unimpressed.]

Judge (dramatic):
"This? Needs a miracle."

[Enter Mabel, Ella’s snarky gardening mentor, slapping a pair of gloves into her hand.]

"You want a billion dollars? Then grab a spade and start digging, sweetheart."

[Montage of high-stakes gardening and marriage chaos: Mark stepping on a rake, Ella rushing to a posh, romantic dinner in muddy boots, with a peacock under her arm.]

Ella (to herself):
"I can’t lose Mark over this stupid curse."

[Final montage: the garden coming to life, Mark and Ella laughing together in the dirt, and the judge returning for his final verdict. The music swells as Ella and Mark hold hands in the finished garden.]

"Can she break the curse… and win the garden of the year? Or will love wilt once again?"

**Screen text fades in: "The Garden Curse. This spring, love needs a little fertilizer."

[Final shot of Ella chasing a runaway wheelbarrow down a hill while Mabel shouts:]

"Faster, girl! Those hydrangeas won’t plant themselves!"

Ella (shouting back):
"Next time, I’m just buying fake grass!"

[Final shot of Mabel yelling as a goat runs off with a prized rose bush.]
[–] renard_roux 3 points 1 week ago

Rosemary is the one thing (well, ish ...) that I can't keep alive! We should join forces! 😅

Caveat — Scandinavia

[–] renard_roux 12 points 1 week ago

We have a Samsung "smart" TV, hooked up to an AppleTV box. The TV's original remote is in a drawer somewhere, forever unused.

I have the apps that I need, the tiny Siri Remote turns on the TV and handles volume, and, apart from the aggressively, insanely, mind-blowingly horrible on-screen "keyboard" / text input (we don't have Apple phones we can use to mitigate this, sadly. Also, what the fucking fuck, Apple?!) we're happy. For now. I trust Apple to make the experience incrementally worse as a fact of life.

Not perfect, but leagues better than dealing with Samsung's interface.

[–] renard_roux 17 points 1 week ago


Is there any indication that they won't implement this shit at some point?

Also, should we be trying to come up with the most insane "features" in this vein that we can imagine (knowing full well that some corporation will come up with them eventually), and then patent them to protect humanity from them?

Is there any organization that collects patents just to block them (in the consumer's favor)? A kind of white-hat patent troll? And, if not, should we create one?

[–] renard_roux 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I spy a research rabbit hole in my near future ... 🐰

Edit: ESPHome is a system to control your microcontrollers by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.

[–] renard_roux 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

That Christmas became an instant classic this year. Fucking amazing ❤️

Just watched Klaus with the kids for the Nth time (first time this year, though), and still absolutely fantastic.

I'm probably forgetting some, but these are definitely at the top of the list.

[–] renard_roux 2 points 3 weeks ago

Just finished watching Klaus with the kids 30 minutes ago (we've seen it many times before), and it's just brilliant.

[–] renard_roux 2 points 3 weeks ago

Der kommer altid en racist og en sporvogn til 🙄

[–] renard_roux 2 points 1 month ago

Exactly! Seems like a very "Yo Dawg!"-moment to me.

The less Microsoft I need, the better, and recently switched from VS Code to VS Codium, which, I believe, puts me at 100% free of Microsoft 😍

(Barring some M$ code in other software I use that I don't know about)

[–] renard_roux 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I thought it was 'ponies'; yours is better.

Somewhere in my vast collection of notes, I have an alcohol-induced business plan, probably scribbled on a napkin — basically a company that sells sew-on pockets. Exclusively. One day ...


Hej Fedtegrevinder/grever,

Min far, som er advokat, har nu i flere år arbejdet pro bono for at hjælpe en nigeriansk læge med at få job og opholdstilladelse i danmark.

For at kunne praktisere medicin her skal han have en autorisation, som man får via en "evalueringsansættelse"; efter ~300 afslag har de løbet panden mod muren.

I mellemtiden er tidsfristen for at blive autoriseret udløbet, og manden sidder nu i asylcenter i Jylland og venter på at blive sendt hjem til Nigeria, hvor han er bange for at blive fængslet pga. systemkritiske holdninger.

Jeg var sammen med min bror til møde hos vores far i går, for at prøve at brainstorme hvordan de kan komme videre med sagen; vores far føler at han har prøvet alt, og er ved at være løbet tør for idéer (kombineret med frustration og en følelse af afmagt efter interaktionerne med diverse offentlige instanser og ministerier).

I korte træk foreslog vi:

  • Se om det er muligt at finde en journalist der vil skrive en historie om sagen, i håb om at det kan skabe tilstrækkelig opmærksomhed.

  • Se om det er muligt at finde en politiker der vil tage sagen op (her foreslog jeg at denne del måske var nemmere hvis der allerede var en journalist der havde skrevet om det, så man nemmere kunne henvise til sagen).

  • Skriv en kort opsummering af sagen så den er nemmere at pitche, og nemmere for ovennævnte parter at fordøje.

Han har nu skrevet opsummeringen (omend ikke i ultra-kort punktform som vi ellers havde foreslået 😅).

Jeg ved ikke hvilke egenskaber der ligger i den kollektive feddit-pulje, men tænker at der måske er en eller flere af jer der havde nogle indsigter, idéer, forslag, viden som vi mangler, kontakter, etc., og håber at det er OK at jeg deler "opsummeringen" her.

Jeg har forkortet mandens navn, da jeg ikke har bedt om tilladelse til at dele det.

En enkelt kommentar — der nævnes et nyt lovforslag ift. lempning af reglerne for udenlandske læger (m.fl.), for at gøre det nemmere at få folk til landet der kan hjælpe med den store mangel på arbejdskraft på kritiske områder. Jeg tror at det er dette lovforslag der henvises til.

— — — — — —

For nogle år siden henvendte Chris sig til mig og bad om min hjælp – og den har jeg nu gennem flere år forsøgt at yde.

Chris er ikke klient – han er blevet en ven, som jeg arbejder på at hjælpe bedst muligt – men det går ikke så godt.

Chris er statsborger i Nigeria og flygtede i 2016 fra Nigeria, fordi det på grund af hans opfattelse af systemet, blev for farligt for ham at være i Nigeria.

Chris er uddannet læge og har praktiseret på forskellige hospitaler i Nigeria i 10 år.

I 2016 kom han til Irland, hvor han arbejdede på et hospital i et år, hvorefter han i 2017 kom til Danmark mhp. at opnå autorisation til at fungere som læge i Danmark.

Meget imponerende har han i de første 3 år levet af at samle flasker, mens han tog de nødvendige eksaminer – lægefaglige kurser og danskkursus – som han begge har bestået.

Fsva. danskprøven, blev den først taget efter, at den skulle have været taget, da Chris pga. Covid ikke havde mulighed for at deltage på det rigtige tidspunkt.

For at få autorisation, skal man inden 12 måneder efter, at man har bestået eksamen, have fået en evalueringsansættelse på et hospital.

Chris og jeg har i fællesskab søgt noget, der ligner 300 stillinger (evalueringsansættelse), og da vi ikke har haft succes med det, har vi søgt andre stillinger i sundhedsvæsenet, herunder SOSU-stillinger.

Da hans opholdstilladelse udløb, fordi han ikke havde fået den nødvendige stilling, blev han anholdt af politiet og søgte herefter asyl, og måtte flytte til et asylcenter i Jylland.

Udlændingenævnet traf den 13. april 2023 afgørelse om, at Chris fik afslag på ansøgningen om forlængelse af opholdstilladelsen med henblik på at opnå autorisation som læge i Danmark og han blev udvist af Danmark med et indrejseforbud i 2 år.

Efter afgørelsen har vi været i løbende kontakt med Hjemrejsecenteret, hvis opgave det er at sende Chris tilbage til Nigeria.

Processen er i gang og man er ved at skaffe et pas eller et rejsedokument fra den Nigerianske ambassade i Stockholm.

For mig er det en frustrerende oplevelse.

Der er ikke nogen tvivl om, at der mangler læger flere steder i Danmark.

Chris er helt sikkert yderst kvalificeret med en lang erfaring fra arbejde på hospitaler, han taler virkelig godt dansk, han har en meget positiv udstråling og vil – er jeg sikker på – være et aktiv for det hospital eller den praksis, han måtte komme til at arbejde på.

Ud over det, føler han sig overbevist om at han vil blive fængslet og udsat for en særdeles hård behandling, hvis han bliver sendt tilbage til Nigeria.

Når jeg bruger udtrykket frustrerende, hænger det sammen med, at sagen er kommet ud af proportioner.

Vi har brug for ham.

Han vil kunne udføre det arbejde, vi har brug for – og i stedet for at finde en løsning, bruger systemet ressourcer på at sende ham ud af landet.

Regeringen er opmærksom på, at der mangler hænder inden for sundhedssektoren, og der arbejdes med et forslag om en lempelse i reglerne, så det bliver nemmere for udenlandsk sundhedspersonale at få jobs i Danmark.

Det forekommer urimeligt, hvis Chris bliver sendt ud af landet til en uvis skæbne, hvis de regler, som sikkert træder i kraft om få måneder, ville omfatte ham, således, at han ville kunne få opholdstilladelse her og fungere som læge.

Jeg synes, at jeg har gjort, hvad jeg kunne, for at der kommer en rimelig løsning for Chris – men må erkende, at jeg ikke har haft succes med det.

Jeg har i august sidste år været i kontakt med Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet og igen i begyndelsen af februar i år i relation til den kommende lovændring.

Den 5. marts har Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet oplyst, at min henvendelse er videresendt til Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet.

Min bekymring er, at Chris om kort tid sidder på et fly til Nigeria, hvilket forekommer mig at være en helt urimelig udgang på en mands intense ønske om at være her, og at bruge sin uddannelse til glæde for os.

Så mit håb er, at nogen ser muligheder, som jeg ikke har set, og at historien ender med, at Chris får opholdstilladelse og kommer til at praktisere som læge her.

Relevante dokumenter kan fremsendes.


[fars navn]

Hellerup, 14. marts 2024

— — — — — —


Sorry if it's too off-topic 😅


Hi all,

I'm looking for some suggestions and hoping you might be able to help me out.

Quick backstory: My 7-year-old has ben getting really into Uno the past few weeks, so there's always a deck lying around. Always looking to test new ideas out, I've been experimenting with how a game of patience/solitaire might work if played with a deck of Uno cards, and I've actually come up with a few simple rules that work, while retaining the nature of the Uno cards (so far had some interesting test runs with Klondike and Pyramids).

While playing around with these "Unotaire" variants, I've been getting that feeling of something creeping up on me; a game idea, just over the horizon, but not quite close enough to make out yet. It's like being able to taste a new card game, without having it in your mouth yet (if that makes any sense).

As this unknown game is still mostly unclear to me, let me try to describe how it "tastes":

  • It's something you can play on your own, not unlike Solitaire.

  • It has its own deck; it's not played with a regular deck of cards (and it might have more or less than 52 cards).

  • It probably has no other components than cards. You pick up the pack, remove the cards, place them just like so, and you're off.

  • It might be able to somehow tell a story. I've been thinking a lot about Reigns (the mobile/video game) here — simple decisions lead to big consequences further down the line.

  • Like Reigns, the game is somewhat linear; you might start with the cards laid out, in something akin to some Solitaire pattern, and you try to make it through to the end and "win". You might pull it off, you might not. Much like Solitaire.

  • I can't stop thinking about Tarot. 56 "standard" cards in 4 suits (minor arcana), and then the 22 suitless major arcana cards. Tarot also has various patterns/spreads (3-card, 9-card, celtic cross, wheel, etc.) in which you lay out the cards, and some set rules as to how to "read" them (and then, of course, massive amounts of subjective interpretation from the "reader"). Not suggesting a fortune telling component, just that the "flavor" of Tarot cards makes sense to me in this context.

  • If it's possible to piece this thing together in a way where it can also be played by 2 (or more) people, that would be grand.

  • The game doesn't need to be quick, but it wouldn't hurt if it was fast paced; Hmm, I'm stuck! Deal out 3 cards from the draw pile, flip them over real quick, look at the top one, Oh this means I can do this... and so forth.

The main thing here is the variability of the deck; shuffle the cards, and you will have a fairly unique adventure. Same framework as your last game, but the path will be completely changed. Maybe the story will be capable of varying wildly from game to game as well. Or maybe the story needs to go away.

And the Solitaire aspect of the thing, meaning having to lay the cards out in some specific way, which creates the "path" you need to navigate in order to win (not a literal path).

My problem is that I don't really know any games that come close to this genre. The only thing that comes to mind is The Lost Expedition, but that has a lot more components and mechanics than what I want.

The might also be some deck-based dungeon crawlers out there that are worth a look, but I haven't found them yet.

I'm hoping some of you might suggest games to look at for inspiration, mechanisms that might deal with driving a story without any components beyond a deck of cards, and just general thoughts.

Thank you for any and all feedback and/or suggestions! I'm looking forward to (hopefully) hearing from you 😃🤘


Super spændende forløbsbeskrivelse af hvordan østrigske Mario Zechner ( fik nok af regeringens tomme løfter om et "kig på dagligvarepriserne", og på 2 timer havde første version af en prissammenligner stykket sammen, fangede mediernes opmærksomhed, gjorde den relevante minister til grin, og afslørede meget sansynlig stiltiende samarbejde (†) omkring priserne.

Jeg har selv været lidt skeptisk omkring den nuværende inflation (greedflation?) af dagligvarepriser (††), og samtidig super frustreret over udbredelsen (måske nærmere eskaleringen?) af 'shrinkflation' (†††). Men det er vildt svært at regne ud hvad man skulle kunne gøre selv, både fordi man måske - som jeg selv - ikke er programmør, og fordi man ikke ved hvor man skal starte.

Enormt forløsende at læse om Marios (overvejende) succes på området (med ministeriske benspænd, selvfølgelig...), og der er allerede mange forks af projektet for at tilpasse det andre landes indkøbsmuligheder (har dog ikke fundet en dansk fork endnu).

Tænk hvis vi kunne få adgang til den data for Danmark! Men ak, tror det kan blive en smule svært at genbruge dette projekt, da vi stort set ikke har nogen supermarkeder der er online, og jeg ikke ved om man overhovedet kan få adgang til deres API (et krav for at HeissePreisse kan fungere).

Så vidt jeg kan se er der kun:

Kan også være Danmark er for lille til at man overhovedet ville kunne gøre noget hvis man fik dataen, men synes tanken er interessant. Er der nogen af jer der ved om den slags data er tilgængelig (næppe, men skader ikke at spørge)? Andre idéer til hvad man kan gøre, om noget?

Er desuden også interesseret i hvordan man kunne forsøge at tackle overemballering og unødvendig brug af plast i emballage i dagligvarer - sig endelig til hvis der er nogen der har hørt om nogen projekter på det område!

. . . . . .

Update 1

De tre butikker jeg nævnte har alle en API, men to af dem bruger POST uden den relevante query i URL'en, og ser ud til at det er ud over mit niveau at tilpasse koden til at kompensere for dette.

Den sidste bruger GET til at snakke med sin API, med søgningen synlig i URL og det hele, men jeg får nogle fejl når jeg kører den tilpassede kode, og indtil videre har jeg ikke fundet en løsning.

Tror jeg prøver at skrive til Mario for at høre om han har idéer til hvordan man kommer ud over de to issues. Umiddelbart ville det hele være nemmere hvis der bare var en enkelt fil per butik man skulle tilpasse, baseret på en simpel skabelon, men det er ikke helt tilfældet.

Hvis der er nogen der har lyst til at give det et skud er det der lader til at være den bedre kandidat, selvom jeg tænker at det må være muligt med alle tre.

Det er måske også værd at nævne at selvom der er tale om offentligt tilgængelig data ved jeg ikke om butikkernes TOS brydes, og der dermed kunne være juridiske konsekvenser.

. . . . . .

Hovedlink er en roll-up af denne Mastodon-tråd:

Projektet på GitHub:

. . . . . .

Stiltiende samarbejde / koordinering: jeg kunne ikke finde på en bedre oversættelse. Fra den originale tråd:

"...tacit collusion, meaning, oligopolic price coordination without explicit coordination."

†† Relevant artikel om inflation/greedflation fra Cory Doctorow: Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk (

††† Shrinkflation (også kaldet 'downsizing'): inflation der skjules ved at mindske varens mængde/indhold, typisk uden at ændre på emballagens størrelse, og stadig sælge den til samme pris.

Eksempel: Kleenex Balsam box:

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by renard_roux to c/music

See, only took a second! (an ADHD rant about how posting this song cost me 2.5 hours of my life) 🙄

Song starts at 3:45, btw 🤘

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by renard_roux to c/

Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of me getting my ADD diagnosis after ~40 years of not having it (and knowing something was definitely "off", but not being able to put my finger on it).

To celebrate, let me take you through the last 30 minutes (and then some) of my life (which, by the time I've finished writing, will be more like the last 60 minutes of my life), a pretty thorough documentation of how easy it can be to get distracted, and how fast an ADHD mind can find new paths to explore:


  • Woke up at 7 (should have been 6), having only slept some 5 hours. Wife is already up, but gave up on waking me and is getting ready for work. Calls upstairs that I really need to get out of bed. Look at clock, fear of making my oldest daughter late for school gets me motivated.

  • Get kids downstairs and fed, wife gets them dressed. Brush their teeth, shoes on, wife has handled packing lunches in bags (she's a champ).

  • Managed to remember to take my meds!

  • Get out of door, drive oldest kid to school, manage to get there with 10 minute to spare, mission accomplished. Kiss goodbye, she's in a great mood.

  • Drive youngest daughter to daycare, greet people, put lunch + water bottle in the fridge, get her to wash her hands, take her to her group room, she's also happy, kiss goodbye.

  • Go to supermarket, shop for dinner, cokes for wife are too expensive, text her to check other supermarket for prices. Better deal to be had there, next stop. Manage not to buy candy or stuff I don't need, nice.

  • Not really, morning routine has taken too long, need bathroom. Stop by library for nice, clean bathrooms.

  • Go to second supermarket, get cheaper cokes. Managed to not buy anything unneeded again, yay, although did spend a few minutes in soft drink isle zoned out over something on phone, can't actually remember right now what it was.

  • Youngest has "kitchen day" at daycare tomorrow, drop off minced meat in fridge back at daycare, very nice to have this out of the way.

  • Drive home, short chat with wife about what needs to happen today (and a few other things that will be important in next few days). Kisses, get to work!

  • My studio is 2 metres in front of my house. Work as an independent graphic designer+, so can't really be "late". Walking from the garden to the studio, I think: "Today! Today I'm going to go through my task list(s) in Obsidian, and I'm going to make a prioritized list of what needs to get done. I will do this first thing!

  • Unlock the door, sit at desk, turn on computer.

  • All in all, this was a pretty good morning.


  • Computer screens turn on. I get ready to open Obsidian and finally have a day where I'm productive and get important shit done! But...

  • Spotify is open. I glance at my Liked Songs list, and notice Aphex Twin's seminal 1999 track Windowlicker is the most recently added song. This split second sends me down the rabbit hole...

  • Remember I wanted to post this to /beehaw/music. That should take a second, I'm allowed to do this one thing, surely.

  • Open Voyager (Lemmy client) on computer. Notice that there's an available update. Click on Settings, update the app. All good.

  • Brain: "While I'm here, I really should post that issue about how the Inbox in Voyager functions to GitHub. Get it over with, been postponing that for ages".

  • Chrome >

  • I posted a comment about how I think the Inbox flow should work in someone else's issue. I should find that comment at make it into its own issue, for visibility. But argh, I can never remember how to find my own comments on here. I know, click on the Notifications Inbox!

  • Oh! Looks like that issue I posted in the Raycast repo has been closed! Well, that's annoying. Better go have a look. [clicks on Raycast issue].

  • OK, seems someone posted that it's not possible to get Raycast to play my Liked Songs in Spotify because Spotify doesn't see Liked Songs as a playlist. He's added a link to a thread on Spotify Community. [click]

  • OK, so it's not exactly possible because Liked Songs isn't a playlist. There's a suggestion about a workaround. But someone else has poster a context URI for Liked Songs! So maybe there is a way?

  • Attempt using the context URI in the Spotify search field, does indeed take me to my Liked Songs. I go to Spotify Developers and start poking around the documentation (did I mention yet that I'm not a programmer?).

  • Find a reference to how to start user playback. Combined with the URI/endpoint, that should do the trick! Back to GitHub, write a comment saying maybe these two things could make Raycast do what I want. Job done, now get back on track! (forgot about the Voyager thing...)

  • Notice that the GitHub comment guy referenced another thread. Click. A similar issue to mine. Go back and get my comment about a possible way to fix, post it here as well.

  • Oh, this guy also wants the list to shuffle when it starts playing. People say it's not possible. I want this, too. Back to Spotify Documentation, find code for toggling Shuffle, add to comment.

  • Notice another commenter has posted a link to his spotify-tools repo. Maybe something in there would help? [click].

  • Hmm, this is a bit over my head, don't really understand what it does. Read through Guidelines anyway. "Format your code correctly (pnpm lint)". HEY! Linting! That's that word I couldn't remember the other day!

  • Context: I'm writing a novel (a few lines a month...) in Obsidian, and the other day I remembered that there is some sort of open source project that goes through your prose and checks it for bad writing. I'm worried about bad writing, because I've never written a book before, and while I'm bilingual, English is not my first language. I remember that I looked into testing this Linter out, but couldn't get it to work for some reason, and now I can't remember what it's called (and couldn't find it because I couldn't remember the word "linting").

  • Google: Linter. Hmm, this seems to be mostly about code, but I want prose.

  • Google: Linting literature. Here's a Medium article, let's have a look. [click]. No, still about code, but linting is definitely the correct term.

  • Google: Linting prose. Bingo! And there's a mention of Vale! That's the prose linter I couldn't get working! Article about prose linting with Vale, [click].

  • Other prose linters exist! Interesting! Google: Obsidian prose linting. Obsidian Writing Style Plugin, that sounds new! [click].

  • Ah, it's in Beta, that's why I haven't seen this in the Obsidian Community Plugins. I'll give this a quick go, check the install guide. Needs Vale installed, let's get that done. Can't hurt to run a chapter of my book through it, just for fun. Right now. [click].

  • Hmm, I can install this with Homebrew — I have that! Open my terminal.

  • Brain: Hey, you should probably update all your Homebrew Casks. OK! Terminal: homebrew upgrade. Ugh, this is taking forever. I'll go outside to get some fresh air.

  • Outside: This is fucking nuts, I'm completely off track. I should write this whole thing down and post it on Lemmy.

  • Back inside: open Voyager again, search for ADHD communities. Find a few, find this one, check the feed. Send 8 ADHD memes I find to wife, all of them fit me like 95%.

  • Start writing this post about my last 30 minutes (and also the rest of the morning, I decide); documenting my failings will help me focus! And maybe get some feedback as well.

  • Add a note about how I know this post will take an additional 30 minutes to research and write. That was [checks clock] more than an hour ago. Also, in going through my browser history to document my rabbit hole, it is now clear that the "30 minutes" I wanted to write about was actually 90 minutes 😓


So, here we are.

I didn't manage to sort my daily to-do yet. I also didn't manage to post that Voyager inbox flow issue. I haven't installed Vale yet (nor the plugin that needs it), but my Homebrew is up-to-date (absolutely not necessary...). Oh, and I absolutely haven't posted that Aphex Twin video to /beehaw/music yet. Which was supposed to take "1 second". Which was two and a half hours ago 😓

I've also left a few things out, getting side-tracked by some other songs on YouTube, looking into the "lyrics" of Windowlicker (which has none), because there's just a weird french sentence when asking Spotify for the lyrics, but I managed to not go too far down that hole.

My meds are helping me so much, but they haven't made a dent in my procrastination issues. And I hate that word, procrastination; makes it sound like I'm actively avoiding a task, which is just not the case. I get distracted. Severely distracted. And then when I become aware of having been distracted, my brain is capable of convincing me that spending "30 minutes" (now 70 minutes) on writing about it is worth it, a stellar idea.

The only thing I can think of to get better at this is cognitive behavioural therapy, but can't afford a therapist, because I'm not making enough money, because I get distracted too often, and side projects, ones that have no monetary value, take the wheel and away we go.

Been considering trying CBT via AI (Claude-instant-100K looks primising due to the enormous token allowance), but haven't gotten around to it yet. It's on a to-do list, somewhere, though! 😔

Anyway, how is your "morning" going? 😑

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by renard_roux to c/

Tænker at Scarlet Pleasure er tilpas store nok til at de ikke — sådan rent rights-juridisk — slipper afsted med dette "cover" 😮

Gad godt have været fluen på væggen hos Copenhagen Records da 'Summertime' blev godkendt til udgivelse, kan slet ikke forestille mig samtalen...

Mest imponerende er at bandet (eller deres SoMe handler) selv indrømmer det i en kommentar på Instagram her (deres svar på kommentar fra "martin_marstrand"): 🤯

Kan det være at det er med vilje? At de tabte royalties når Disney kræver rettighederne opvejes af den mængde omtale (om nogen) det giver? Rage baiting? 4D chess? 🤔♛

edit: Glemte lidt kontekst hvis nogen savner den — sangen er meeeeeget tæt på 'Colors of the Wind' ('Vindens Farver' på dansk) fra Disneys 33. animationsfilm 'Pocahontas' (1995).


Really liking this new cut from The Hives, and the video is absolutely brilliant 😅

It was directed by Aube Perrier, and I highly recommend having a look at some of his other stuff.

One example is the rather wonderful video for Harry Styles' "Music For A Sushi Restaurant", and most of his other stuff is equally good 😊👍


My kids (4 and 6) were in charge of music during our morning routine today, and happened upon Radiohead's 'Paranoid Android'. Very picky listeners both, the song got a surprising full playthrough (no small feat at a length of 6:23, or ~24 attention spans!), resulting in one very proud parent.

It got me in a bit of a nostalgic mood, the memories of 'OK Computer' releasing in 1997 flooding back; for those of you who weren't around at the time, or maybe weren't at an age where you were hit by the full force of this groundbreaking album, it was a really, really special period.

I couldn't help thinking that this particular experience was something my daughters would never be able to have, and it's something I could never explain to them; I don't remember the particulars of my life at the time, apart from basic stuff like where I must have lived, what school I must have been at, and there's no putting into words the deeply personal feeling of being, well, me at that moment.

It's more like a taste you can almost, but not quite, recall, a scent, an ambiance amalgamated from every single impression you got from being alive at a certain time. I don't know how to convey that to others, and I'm not sure it's possible.

Anyway, it prompted me to go check if there was a documentary or similar about the release of 'OK Computer', and I found this gem. For those of you who were at just the right time in your life in 1997 for this album to have made an impact, I hope this takes you back in the best of ways.

For me personally, 'OK Computer' was like having my brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick; an aural Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, if you will (1997 also happens to be the year that the leather-bound, guilt-edged omnibus edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy" was released, which I promptly purchased and subsequently swore to never lend to anyone, having lost all previous copies of the books to forgetful and/or careless friends; but that's another story).

Watching this documentary certainly managed to scratch my nostalgic itch. Good times. I'm curious to know what the rest of you think of the video, should you manage to finish it 🙂

J is for Journey (
submitted 1 year ago by renard_roux to c/creative

I make collages and word posters from vintage and retro illustrations and images in the public domain. Here's my latest piece, 'J is for Journey'.

Had a lot of fun making this one, a lot of good words that begin with J 😊


Hi all,

I'm a big fan of having ebooks read to me while I'm doing stuff that prevents me from reading them myself (driving, working, doing dishes, etc.).

I've been using Evie on my Android phone for a few years now, and while it does what I need, the interface is a bit cumbersome, and I wouldn't mind a better alternative.

Evie offers paid Amazon TTS, which I neither like nor use, but also has free support for Google's TTS service (~~not sure if this is his API or just using built-in services on the phone~~ — looks like the voices are Android TTS voices), which I've gotten very fond of. I've logged 200+ books like this in recent years, and I'm very content with the quality of the voices (I use en-us-x-tpc-network).

Ideally, a FOSS ebook reader would support Android TTS, as well as controlling playback/reading speed. Does anyone know of such an app? 🙂

Incidentally, I was always "annoyed" that the only way to get money to Evie was through the Amazon TTS subscription, which I don't need or want. I'm a recent update, they added a new feature: paid background sounds to accompany your story, such as "rain", "train ride", etc. I bought them all, just to show my support, and actually ended up using one of the background rain sounds for the last book I went through, and quite enjoyed it. I think this is a very nice way for an app to allow users to spend a bit more to show their support; paid, non-critical features.

Also, just now discovered that they actually have a "donate" button 😅 Sent a few more $ their way.


I'm a huge fan of changing playback speed when playing videos, and finally got fed up with the cumbersome interface in the official YouTube app on Android (as well as the ads...).

I thought I read that there was a shortcut or gesture that would do it, but can't get anything to work 😥

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