
joined 1 year ago
[–] 50 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Well, the issue will be developers of other apps would force us to re-google since any build of the app would be useless unless installed from the play store...

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

One of my best friends introduced me to this series back in MH4U for the 3DS.
As someone mentioned in other comment, these games are definitely not newbie friendly haha. I started it and left it after a few missions, I don't remember what rank I was, but definitely the starting village. Afterwards we finally got time to play and he mocked me since my character had less armor than his palico :D
We played more often and he helped me reach higher ranks until G-rank.

Each game has had a different kind of end game.
For MH4U were the guild quests which were randomly generated, I loved this, it made the game not feel like a total grind, but it only made it feel like that, because it really was a grind to both get the correct quest and level it up to get the relics you wanted.

The one I enjoyed the least was MHGen/MHGU because there's no end game loop, once you reach G-rank the game doesn't have anything else to offer, so you can just grind the same missions you already have. Of course this can be considered an end game loop since maxing your armor and weapons takes a long time (and IIRC some older fans mentioned this was ad-hoc with the theme of remembering old games since they where like that).

For MHW were the investigations which felt a bit like MH4U guild questions but without the random map.
The only downside of this game and the Iceborn expansion was the game as a service aspect, you could only access some quests on some days of the week, you had to connect to the internet to get them, and also one of the last bosses is tied to multiplayer, which if you have bad internet or only time for a single quest is impossible to properly finish.

I've bought each game. Around 200 minimum in each one. IIRC 450+ in MH4U and around 500 in MHW (mostly because it's harder to pause in PS4). MHRise/Sunbreak

MHRise is one of the most relaxing ones with the sunbreak expansion since you can take NCPs on all missions, they help a lot to de-aggro the monsters and enjoy the hunt.

I was with some friends from work when the trailer for MHW released and we literally screamed when we realized it was an MH game haha.

The only change they've made between games that I found really annoying was to the hunting horn. It was really fun to have to adapt your hunt to each horn's songs and keep track of what buffs were active and which ones you needed to re-apply (in reality you always rotated your songs over and over so you never ran out of your buffs).
But in Rise each song now is X -> X, A -> A, and X+A -> X+A, there's no combinations.
Every hunting horn only has 3 songs, previously some horns could have up to 5.
When you play a song twice the buff applied goes up a level, well, in Rise they made it a single attack to play all your songs twice.
It feels like they tried to simplify the weapon but two teams got in charge of providing ideas and they implemented both solutions, which made the weapon have no depth at all.
Also, previously you felt like the super support playing hunting horn, each time you applied a buff a messages appeared showing the buff you applied. Yeah, it was kind of spammy, but it felt nice having a hunting horn on the hunt.
In Rise they decided to only display a message the first time you apply the buff and that's it, so if you re-apply it there's nothing, even when you keep buffing your team. Ah, but if you use bow the arc shot does spam the buff message, so you feel less than a support than the bow :/

Due to work I haven't followed all the news of MHWilds, but I'll definitely buy it.

For the next posts my recommendations would be the series Sniper elite, Mario and Luigi, Pokemon mystery dungeon, and Disgaea.
(Maybe also another theme of posts could be genre/mechanic, like tactics games or colony management in general)

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I've only played P5 and currently P5R.
The RPG part is amazing, the story, combat, dungeon crawling, interactions, etc, and all the other comments people had already made.

My only con for it would be the strictness of the schedule to do the story. Yeah, it's also an interesting part of the game which differs from other RPGs, but it's frustrating you might permanently lose something because you planned it a bit off or selected the wrong dialog option with a confidant so you don't have enough points which makes you have to spend an extra day with them to increase their rank.
Either you follow a guide or you accept the idea of missing some parts of the history.

And even then with a guide I think I might as well not experience everything since I won't go to visit some of the places to hang out with confidants, only the main ranks and that's it.

Also, you can't focus on finishing a confidant because I think all of them have some requirement, or they are not available that day, so you need to do other stuff.
For example, Yoshida is only available Sundays, Kawakami IIRC is also only the last days of the week, but not weekends and only during the evening.

But I plan to also play P3 and P4 since the stories are so good.

My recommendation for the next post would be series of Monster Hunter, Paper Mario, or Kingdom Rush.

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Well, seems they already had the vaping sensors implemented and they're just announcing the notifications implementation... How hard is to just build am android app that displays a list and a popup?

[–] 6 points 4 weeks ago

but often lead developers to just display them in the frontend

Oh boy I feel this one.
My API is meant for scripting (i.e. it's for developers and the errors are for developers), but the UI team uses it and they just straight display the error from their HTTP request for none technical people which might also not get to know all the parameters actually needed for the request.
And even when the error is in fact in my code, and I sent all the data I need to debug and replicate the error, the users can't tell me because the UI truncates the response, so the user only sees something like Error in pe1uca's API: {"error":"bad request","message":"Your request has an error, please check th... (truncated). So the message gets truncated and the link to the documentation is also never shown .-.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Don't know what are the changes since 7807 (which this one obsoletes) but this article helped me quickly understand the first one, hopefully it's still somewhat relevant.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I had a similar case.
My minipc has a microSD card slot and I figured if it could be done for a RPI, why not for a mini PC? :P

After a few months I bought a new m2nvme but I didn't want to start from scratch (maybe I should've looked into nix?)
So what I did was sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc bs=1024k status=progress
And that worked perfectly!

Things to note:

  • both drives need to be unmounted, so you need a live OS or another machine.
  • The new drive will have the same exact partitions, which means the same size, so you need to expand them after the copy.
  • PS: this was for a drive with ext4 partitions, but in theory dd works with the bytes so it shouldn't be an issue what fs you use.
[–] 3 points 1 month ago

P5R, almost done with the 2nd palace.
I'm following a guide to experience everything in one play through since I've already played the original one and this one on PS4, now this is in PC.


But this has been deprecated

The recommended way now is first to query with limit and then again without it selecting count(*).
My query is a bit complex and joins a couple of tables with a large number of records, which makes each select take up to 4 seconds, so my process now takes double the time compared to as I just keep using found rows.

How can I go back to just running the select a single time and still getting the total number of rows found without the limit?

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

I would if I'd be able to run my own models, it'd be better than having to connect to my server.
But AFAIK these features won't be available to all developers, so I'm guessing only Google apps will be able to properly use the potential of the phone.


cross-posted from:

I'm trying to configure some NFC tags to automatically open an app, which is easy, just have to type the package name.
But I'm wondering how I can launch the app in a specific activity.

Specifically when I search for FitoTrack in my phone I get the option to launch the app directly into the workout I want to track, so I don't have to launch the app, click the FAB, click "Record workout" and then select the workout.
So I want to have a tag which will automatically launch this app into a specific workout.

How can I know what's the data I need to put into the tag to do this?

Probably looking at the code will give me the answer, but this won't apply to closed source apps, so is there a way to get all the ways all my installed apps can be launched?

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

I don't think RSS is suited for getting more than just the latest entries in a feed.
What you're looking for is handled by the API which includes pagination.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

I wonder how this is going to work with comments turned off, I mean since I guess these notes will be public and maybe users are going to use them as some sort of comment section.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

It depends what you need to configure.
I'm using this library to move around the camera
For anything else, AFAIK, yeah, you'd need to re-enable internet access.


cross-posted from:

I was trying to debug an issue I have connecting to a NAS, so I was checking the logs of UFW and found out there are a lot of connections being blocked from my chromecast HD (AndroidTV) on different ports via the local IP.

Sometimes I use jellyfin, but that's over tailscale, so there shouldn't be any traffic over local IP, just over tailscale's IP.
But shouldn't have traffic right now since I wasn't using it and didn't have tailscale on.

The ports seem random, just sometimes they are tried two times back to back, but afterwards another random port is tried to be accessed.

After seeing this I enabled UFW in my daily machine and the same type of logs showed up.

So, do you guys know what could be happening here?
Why is chromecast trying to access random ports on devices in the same network?


I've only used ufw and just now I had to run this command to fix an issue with docker.
sudo iptables -I INPUT -i docker0 -j ACCEPT
I don't know why I had to run this to make curl work.

So, what did I exactly just do?
This is behind my house router which already has reject input from wan, so I'm guessing it's fine, right?

I'm asking since the image I'm running at home I was previously running it in a VPS which has a public IP and this makes me wonder if I have something open there without knowing :/

ufw is configured to deny all incoming, but I learnt docker by passes this if you configure the ports like 8080:8080 instead of And I confirmed it by accessing the ip and port.


I'm looking at my library and I'm wondering if I should process some of it to reduce the size of some files.

There are some movies in 720p that are 1.6~1.9GB each. And then there are some at the same resolution but are 2.5GB.
I even have some in 1080p which are just 2GB.
I only have two movies in 4k, one is 3.4GB and the other is 36.2GB (can't really tell the detail difference since I don't have 4k displays)

And then there's an anime I have twice at the same resolution, one set of files are around 669~671MB, the other set 191 each (although in this the quality is kind of noticeable while playing them, as opposed to the other files I extract some frames)

What would you do? what's your target size for movies and series? What bitrate do you go for in which codec?

Not sure if it's kind of blasphemy in here talking about trying to compromise quality for size, hehe, but I don't know where to ask this. I was planning on using these settings in ffmpeg, what do you think?
I tried it in an anime at 1080p, from 670MB to 570MB, and I wasn't able to tell the difference in quality extracting a frame form the input and the output.
ffmpeg -y -threads 4 -init_hw_device cuda=cu:0 -filter_hw_device cu -hwaccel cuda -i './01.mp4' -c:v h264_nvenc -preset:v p7 -profile:v main -level:v 4.0 -vf "hwupload_cuda,scale_cuda=format=yuv420p" -rc:v vbr -cq:v 26 -rc-lookahead:v 32 -b:v 0


cross-posted from:

I need to help auditing a project from another team.
I got the pointers on what's expected to be checked, but I don't have like templates for documents for what's expected from an audit report which also means I'm not sure what's the usual process to conduct an internal audit.
I mean I might as well read the whole repo, but maybe that's too much?

Any help or pointers on what I need to investigate to get started would be great!


I need to help auditing a project from another team.
I got the pointers on what's expected to be checked, but I don't have like templates for documents for what's expected from an audit report which also means I'm not sure what's the usual process to conduct an internal audit.
I mean I might as well read the whole repo, but maybe that's too much?

Any help or pointers on what I need to investigate to get started would be great!


I'm checking this mini pc

It says the M2 and SATA ports are limited to 2TB, but I can't imagine why that's the case.
Could there be a limit on the motherboard? On the CPU?
If most likely this is done in software (windows) probably it won't matter since I'm planning to switch to linux.

What I want to avoid is buying it and being unable to use an 8TB drive.


Seems the SSD sometimes heats up and the content disappears from the device, mostly from my router, sometimes from my laptop.
Do you know what I should configure to put the drive to sleep or something similar to reduce the heat?

I'm starting up my datahoarder journey now that I replaced my internal nvme SSD.

It's just a 500GB one which I attached to my d-link router running openwrt. I configured it with samba and everything worked fine when I finished the setup. I just have some media files in there, so I read the data from jellyfin.

After a few days the content disappears, it's not a connection problem from the shared drive, since I ssh into the router and the files aren't shown.
I need to physically remove the drive and connect it again.
When I do this I notice the somewhat hot. Not scalding, just hot.

I also tried this connecting it directly to my laptop running ubuntu. In there the drive sometimes remains cool and the data shows up without issue after days.
But sometimes it also heats up and the data disappears (this was even when the data was not being used, i.e. I didn't configure jellyfin to read from the drive)

I'm not sure how I can be sure to let the ssd sleep for periods of time or to throttle it so it can cool off.
Any suggestion?


I started fiddling with my alias service and started wondering what approach other people might take.
Not necessarily the best option but what do you prefer? What are the pros and cons you see with each option?

Currently I'm using anonaddy and proton, so I have a few options to create aliases.

  • The limited shared domain aliases (from my current subscription level)
    Probably the only option to not be tracked if it would be unlimited, I'd just have to pay more for the service.
  • Unlimited aliases with a subdomain of the shared domain
    For example:
  • Unlimited aliases with custom domain.
  • Unlimited aliases with subdomain in custom domain.
    This is different from the one above since the domain could be used for different things, not dedicated to email.
  • Catch-all with addy.
    The downside I've read is people could spam any random word, and if then disabled the people that had an incorrect alias wouldn't be able to communicate anymore.
  • Catch-all with proton.
    Since proton has a limit on how many email addresses you actually have, so when you receive an email to an alias and want to replay to it you'll be doing it from the catch-all address instead of the alias.

What do you think?
What option would you choose?


I started delving into world and dungeon generation with different techniques.
The one I want to try is wave function collapse.

There are several videos and repos explaining and showcasing how it works and how it can be used to generate an infinite world.

One question I have and haven't seen any mention about is, how do I recreate/reload the map from any point other than the original starting one?

So, AFAIK the algorithm start from a few tiles/pixels in a starting position, or picking their position at random, and then can collapse the rest of the map with the set of rules given to the building blocks, but if these starting tiles/pixels are far away after a player saves, then I can only think about having to start from them again to reach the saved point to be able to show the same world which of course could mean a very long loading screen.

Maybe the save can include the current seed, but then it can advance differently when the player goes back, which means the algorithm would generate a different portion of the map.
How can I ensure the world would be regenerated as it was?

While writing this I'm thinking I could be generating the seed of a block of tiles/pixels based on the seed of neighboring blocks and the coordinates in the map, something like left: seed+X, right: seed-Y, where X and Y are calculated based on the coordinate of the block.
This way I can save the seed of the current block and easily recalculate the seed used to generate all the adjacent blocks.
What do you think about this approach?


I have an old android tablet (and several phones) that I want to use for small applications in my home automation.
For the most part just to show a web page to quickly click something to activate or read the status.

My issue is the OS installed is very old and of course there are no official updates.
Looking for custom roms they are also somewhat old because the age of the devices, and everyone says "don't use the rom of one device into another even if the models are very similar".

So, my question is, what are my options if I can't use a pre-built rom?
Could I keep the same OS and just restrict access to only my internal network?
Not sure if I'm being too paranoid about security risks using these devices to just connect to my services.

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