Please disregard, I see there's already a thread about this.
Same issue here. I won't pretend to understand the reasons behind it, only panic because I saw the error 😔 pop-up.
SVXlink a ham radio repeater controller and voip link. Despite the PKGBUILD only being configured for amd64, I've built it on arm6hf and arm7hf from Arch Linux Arm.
And non-disclosure mentioned. Will they be wanting participants to sign an NDA?
Yes I'm familiar with those - usually local news channels in Ohio I monitor so I do VPN them.
Keep us updated how this goes. Are they even governed by EU law if they are in the US?
I used Baconreader on Android but I may have subscribed to RSS at one time too. 14 years but not so much recently.
If you have the choice, I encourage you to choose to avoid these companies. But for those of us struggling to make ends meet, we’re stuck having to give business to companies that not only help create people like me, but depend on our need for them. Please remember that when there are calls that everyone has to stop using them.
Principle comes at a price not everybody can afford.
And this is the way they get big and grab their market share because they can afford to undercut the more ethical competition. When that competition ceases to trade, then they'll bump up their prices. This is capitalism (at least, as I understand it.)
I lose interest and it becomes work
I know that feeling all too well...
Hello. Been here since April already. I'm a late Baby boomer, dad to one, granddad to four. Quite introvert and reserved (unless alcohol is involved) but if you poke me enough I might engage in conversation with you. Self-deprecating sense of humour.
Most of the time live in the UK but my SO lives in the US and I spend a couple of months a year over there, she spends time here too. We'll eventually settle in one place but for now we both have active jobs so this has been a good compromise for the last 15 years. Add step-dad to one and step-granddad to two.
Religious beliefs - confirmed atheist - but I respect others' beliefs if that's what they choose and they live by their convictions (not just the one hour they attend their place of worship a week.)
Sexual orientation - I am a heterosexual male, however. I strongly believe that others may have different preferences, or be uncertain what their preferences are and I respect and accept this. I also encourage others who have narrower views to do the same.
I currently work in a technical support role in Civil Aviation, where most of the systems are now at the trailing edge of technology.
I feel that the Fediverse is a good thing and I hope it succeeds. But I do feel I've been here before with Fidonet and BBSs (bulletin boards), Usenet (internet newsgroups but before they were polluted by the Google Groups interface) and of course #IRC. Big Tech turned the internet into a consumer and business tool and monetised it by capturing the users in their walled gardens (yes, F.., T.., R.., G..,) Some of these I do still use to engage with less tech-savvy family and friends.
Updated to add my Mastodon link
This one. I need to use Farcebook occasionally and this allows me to stay logged in without getting tracked elsewhere. Same for my Google account.
I am having a similar issue here at I can't see anything from listed in the communities.