sim, infelizmente. acho motivo suficiente para evitar a Meta. só que os EUA não è Israel. È uma grande acusação dizer que eles estão passando esses dados para o IDF. Não digo que é impossivel, mas até agora não tem provas firmes para isso.
do outro thread no
They really don’t provide enough to back up the insane claims they’re making. I would take all this with a massive grain of salt as it’s most likely bullshit wartime propaganda designed to stir people up.
O artigo é mais especulação e não fornece provas. O whatsapp tem muito dados sobre os usuários, mas é pouco provável que eles compartilham esses dados com outro governo. No Caso, Meta não teria absolutamente nada a ganhar com isso.
I believe Lula and his government appreciates anything that reduces the influence of the US.
ich finde Plattenbauten eigentlich überhaupt nicht schlecht. Sie könnten eine ziemlich Gute Lebensqualität bieten wären sie nicht so verwahrlost/gesellschaftlich abgelehnt.
Das Meme wäre denke ich genauer, wenn es Gefängnisse zeigen würde
This performance is a huge burden for me, and also for so many other people. I do very poorly, and because of that, I am not as well respected. My life would be way better if this sort of pressure didn't exist. It makes no sense to me that I have to fulfill a specific societal role because of the gender I was born into. So I'd say yes, it very much means that performing a gender is inauthentic for a lot of people.
Gender performance isn’t something you fake, like in a theater, it’s more something you do like performing in a sport.
I really like the analogy because it implies something that also happens in reality: it is competitive. You're seen as inferior if you aren't good at it. Which is a huge, huge problem
But you need some “starting direction” because yourself is usually still a kid.
I think it is a fair point. But masculinity (however you define it) should not be a default, and it should not be specifically encouraged for boys to aspire to. Like, I understand the need for role models, but why is masculinity relevant here?
But the goal of most trans people is being recognized as their identified gender, without stating it, also called passing.
I think the desire of a lot of men (trans or not) to conform to gender norms is not because we genuinely enjoy being masculine, it is rather because we enjoy more respect when we conform to these gender roles. Being "less of a man" sucks because people treat you as inferior. So we are inclined to conform. I am not trans but I can imagine that some feel a higher need to "prove" their masculinity because they are constantly invalidated.
This is illustrated by calling Margaret Thatcher an honorary man instead of a masculine woman.
The author is quoting here, he didn't say that himself:
Josh Hawley, who thinks the left is waging a war on our Masculine Virtues, defines those virtues as “courage, independence, and assertiveness,” presumably qualities that women aren’t meant to have—or if they do possess them, it simply means they’re Manly women (just as Thatcher becomes an honorary man in Mansfield’s formulation)
Society has gone far in expanding women’s possibilities, but the traditional roles for men have not really been changed, so they don’t fit into this new environment. This leads to a lot of confusion, to where we have cis men struggling to perform their gender and looking for help.
I don't think anybody should ever "perform" a gender! As soon as it becomes a performance, it is unauthentic to the person they truly are, and needs to be deconstructed. The don't need instructions on how to 'perform' a gender, they need instructions on how to free themselves from these expectations.
In this case I would argue that the Author would approach a trans man, who is asking how to be a man
There is nothing a trans man has to do in order to be a man. They are a man. There is nothing that could possibly make them less of a man. No instructions needed. Just be authentic to yourself.
of course it shouldn't! but the problems arise when it becomes some sort of pressure to conform to. A man likes working out, look jacked and have a well combed beard? If he's happy in his body, that is awesome! doesn't mean we should make a role model out of him and encourage others to be like that to. Because a man who wears dresses, knits and is a huge nerd about make-up is equally worthy of feeling happy about himself. If we make any kind of masculinity more 'positive' than the other, we run into problems
Ich fand das viel schneller so in der Flasche, kann man einfach schüttlen, man braucht keinen Löffel, und muss nicht jedes mal das Pulver rausholen.
I wholeheartedly agree. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "good masculinity" in the same way there isn't any "good femininity". Gender roles don't need to be redefined, they should be overcome.
I would love something that you could spraypaint on a wall within seconds, like the anarchy-A