I don't see a huge benefit, installing my complete dev setup on a new machine doesn't actually take that long, and at the rate I update it it will be kind of stale by the time I need to set up next time... So a text file with my tool list and some tricks is all i keep...
joined 2 years ago
I have tried hexels, but I prefer my setup with girih.app on mac. It is not made for isometric, but I use it for most of my 2D stuff these days...
It is refreshing to see people dancing like actual people in a video
Right, it is speaking to all of us. Brb, buying new socks.
ooo, like a fedi superpower, i like it... will try :)
Hmm, it seems b doesn't show a preview of pixelfed posts, am I sharing wrong?
When I contact customer service I almost never want information, I want them to do something. As long as the bots can't actually make anything happening, they are just a waste of my time. And that's why I don't like them