After upgrading my server, I have a bunch of spare drives. Both the on-site and off-site server are now completely full (Node 804) and adding more is a huge pain in the ass.
At same time, I also got the dreaded Google mail regarding storage usage. So even though I have a 1:1 replica off-site, I still want to make additional backups. I was thinking of treating old drives as tapes meaning the backup software keeps a metadata database online, showing which drive needs to be connected to restore a specific file / validate backups.
I know LTO backup tools work like this but is there anytrhing like this for drives? Pref. a web UI, docker and open-source. Thanks.
Ik zou mij toch even verdiepen in waar die man voor staat.. behoorlijk conservatief christen namelijk. Dat is geen vooruitgang. Heel goed in politiek bedrijven, heel slecht voor progressief Nederland.