Wtf, wer scheißt denn mit angezogener Boxershorts?
joined 1 year ago
Just listened to a podcast about this game and wanting to check it out. Is it really that good?
Awesome. I can only recommend everyone to check out the game, if you're into space games at all. I have at least 400h in and the game only gets better and better.
Okay, für alle die, wie ich, zu dumm (oder zu jung) sind: das ist der Sänger von den Scorpions und heißt Klaus Meine.
Ah the good old "bUt iT WAs calLeD 'naTiOnAl socialist PaRtY"
Funnily enough we had such a cable at home for reasons unknown to me. Then of course the inevitable happened: I was electrocuted by it. I'm fine, but I can definitely agree that such a cable should not ever be made, whatever the reasoning, just don't do it.