Candidate number 3, #Anytype, is a whole different beast conceptually. More than a Markdown editor, it's a database consisting of all kinds of document "objects" and templates (Notion-like, I'm told)
I don't have enough characters (500 is the limit on this instance...) to describe my surprise and disappointment about the difference between how they present themselves versus reality, so this will be multiple posts.
The attached pictures are a collage of my expectations for Anytype.
Reality: everything you do in the program is being tracked and there is *no opt-out*.
The program records all your actions and sends them every few minutes to Amplitude, a commercial analytics company.
Deep down in the documentation this is mentioned, but there is no consent or even a mention in the program itself or in the privacy policy.
It also communicates constantly with a few AWS EC2 instances, presumably the IPFS nodes it uses to backup your (encrypted) vault of documents.