@symfonystation Interesting feature. Unfortunately, it's a proprietary, closed-source solution. Anyone interested in an open implementation of this type of feature should check out https://www.drupal.org/project/simple_styleguide. The module allows users with permission to create pattern entities. We recreated the components from https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/accordion/ with it for https://online.uccs.edu/simple-styleguide in D9. For D10, we are using https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap_ui_kit which includes the Bootstrap 5 components on install.
joined 2 years ago
@symfonystation i stopped reading at "Upgrades have been painless, for the most part." It is clear this person wasn't doing anything "advanced" like simpleSAMphp for SSO that needed a new release for Symfony 6 or using a CKEditor plugin that had to be rewritten for 5. Version ignorance is still ignorance. Let's say you you own a Jeep and want a 3" lift. If I asked you what year your Jeep was & you said "don't know, doesn't matter", I'd know you were going to pay too much for that lift.