
joined 1 year ago
[–] k110111@feddit.de 13 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Harward: get this man over here!

[–] k110111@feddit.de 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Lawlessness in Pakistan has gotten out of control. Some of the political parties (TLP for instance, they brought the whole country to halt when courts lawfully decided to absolve asia bibi (another blasphemy case)) that support this kind of justice were installed/supported by the military to undermine the then democratic government (PTI).

There was similar propaganda done when the military decided to align themselves with china and away from the US influence. Basically, it's a lot easier to control people with this kind of mindset.

In pakistan, the military always portrays themselves as muslims first and have integrated islam in their image and then they intentionally force law enforcement actions against individuals like this until they are no longer useful to them.

If want to look up some mafia level shit on how they do some of this stuff, look up raftar channel on yt (dunno if it is available in english), but i can tell you he doesn't even go into the bad stuff.

[–] k110111@feddit.de 58 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Controversial opinion: whats the point of stonehenge if there is no humanity? Its not like it fosters some ecosystem or smth for other species, its a historical piece which holds sentimental value to us humans.

If we continue to use oil, we will for sure fuck up humanity. The act was controversial but the message needs to be looked at

[–] k110111@feddit.de 6 points 3 months ago (10 children)

Do german not see the effects of climate change? Why would they not vote for green party? Germany has faced such harsh weather this year with all sorts of weirdness

[–] k110111@feddit.de 3 points 4 months ago

Oh my heart feels strange. Imagine if only 30 humans were left on the entire planet. This makes me incredibly sad!

[–] k110111@feddit.de 2 points 4 months ago

Government mandated big tiddy goth gf /jk

On a serious note, we as a society needs to setup our priorities in the right places. Most people around me are struggling to pay for their living expenses, even after getting higher education degrees, they are struggling to get jobs. How can people think about having children when the society is built around extreme capitalism? (Get as much money from consumers as they can pay)

[–] k110111@feddit.de 12 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Not quite, in order to have a technology you need methods, materials and society needs to be ready for the tech.

I recently learned that 50 years ago someone filed a patent for solar panels with more than 20% efficiency and the us government was like yeah its too revolutionary so you can't sell this nor tell anyone about this unless it is US military. Imagine we all could have had >20% solar panels 50 years ago, even today we are only marginally above 20% efficiency.

Another example, would be the company who made the iPhone like device well before iPhone but the market wasn't ready.

Another example that is fucked up. Governments are starting to restrict AI for consumers but also using AI to kill children in Gaza.

I'm pretty sure a lot early doctors were also burned at stakes because they were called witches or smth.

[–] k110111@feddit.de 3 points 5 months ago

I never buy any of the content but I do enjoy consuming content thus from a utilitarianistic point of view, piracy is a moral choice for me. Joking aside, if you can pay for things without a strong financial burden, you should pay.

[–] k110111@feddit.de 4 points 6 months ago

I found this so far: https://github.com/KoljaB/RealtimeSTT

Maybe I can modify it to use whisper api.


So I have the api working as in I can send audio files and get text back but what I am looking for is a robust way to have streaming functionality. For example, if there is a small duration of silence it should stop recording and send the audio to api etc.

Is there any such library in python?


All these news about Yuzu made me realized I never tried a switch emulator. For education purposes I am interested in guides with links to prod keys. Anyone have any links?

Thanks in advance!

[–] k110111@feddit.de 5 points 7 months ago

Ligma 1 or ligma 2?


Okay dunno if this question is allowed so remove it if it is. I never got into twitter but I thought I should give mastodon a try but now I need suggestions on whom to follow.

I am posting it here because I think I somewhat align with the population of this community better.

[–] k110111@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago

Right now i just want a livable job, like i got 1k eur as a student for working 20h/week so right now anything above or equal should do. My only requirement is that it is related to software cuz thats my field.

Man it is so crazy, i have masters from a uni which is 5th for computer science in germany. My gpa is 1.7 and i have 1.5 years of full time software dev experience and 3 years of part time (20h/week) software/ML engineering experience. And i have sent 70-80 applications and yet no interview. Like people if my creds are not enough to get me even 1 interview where i can show that i have skills that i claim to have then what will??

[–] k110111@feddit.de 27 points 11 months ago (3 children)

As someone who is a highly skilled immigrant, I have been looking for a job for 3 months, my friends (all of them) have been looking for jobs for the last 6 months. Germany needs to fix this issue first before asking for more immigrants. More people won't fix anything if finding a job is so difficult.

Elur (feddit.de)

Basically the title. Something like where basic questions like "Wo warst du an deinem Wochenende?" can be asked and answer just to practice things. Maybe some chats as well

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