Taktisch wählen ist leider auch nicht das goldene vom Ei, wir haben zwar mehr Parteien als Amerika, aber den Status quo Wald Entscheidungsgrundlage für das Wahlverhalten zum nehmen.. da bräuchten wir keine Parteienlandschaft mehr.
Holen wir uns lieber eine vernünftige Ersatzstimmenregelung✊
O yeah, that's kind of right. The first question is improper to begin with. I don't agree with the wording "hostile" though, this is waaay over exaggerated, and I think the reason why there's so much people wo want some normality back. They want to hold a conversation (and make tactless mistakes like everyone else) without being told they are absolutely hostile. It should be more like "no, you mixed me up, I'm not Mark, I'm Jon"
Also. The question is halfway legit if someone has a romantic or sexual intention and wants to know if his preferences are met. This is absolutely legit. Though then the question shouldnt be 'a or b' but "Are you A?".
What do you want to do about competitive sports? Abolish separate rankings or let just everyone compete where and how he likes?