There's nothing witty or entertaining or in anyway good about having to sit through a fuckin' gambling ad. Oh, look, it's three NIDA drop-outs with North Shore accents doing the best (ie, shithouse) attempt at some dinky-di fair-go-cobber accents and lingo that some MBA from the Eastern suburbs advertising agency is Authentic Tradie Ockerese, because that's who they're targeting.
Here's another reason to ban them:
They're shit ads.
There's nothing witty or entertaining or in anyway good about having to sit through a fuckin' gambling ad. Oh, look, it's three NIDA drop-outs with North Shore accents doing the best (ie, shithouse) attempt at some dinky-di fair-go-cobber accents and lingo that some MBA from the Eastern suburbs advertising agency is Authentic Tradie Ockerese, because that's who they're targeting.