#curl 8.11.1 has been released. It includes a fix to #CVE_2024_11053 - a #vulnerability I discovered.
It is a logic flaw in the way curl parses .netrc file. In certain situations, the configured password can be sent to a incorrect host. Luckily the affected configurations should be quite rare and thus the situation is unlikely to occur often.
The issue has existed in the curl source code for almost twenty-five years.
• https://curl.se/docs/CVE-2024-11053.html
• https://hackerone.com/reports/2829063
No AI tools were used in discovering or reporting the vulnerability.
#noai #handcrafted #infosec #cybersecurity
So what could you do if the microcode signature verification can be bypassed? While not directly applicable, this #defcon presentation "DEF CON 31 - Backdoor in the Core - Altering Intel x86 Instruction Set at Runtime - Krog, Skovsende" gives some ideas: