
joined 1 year ago

It's amazing how much ADHD I've been fighting moment to moment without realizing it.

I work in a bit of a chaotic job where work is generally self directed and I get a constant flow of email, messages, and people coming to talk to me. I just got my ADHD diagnosis and have an appointment for medication coming up. I decided to do an activity log to see what I was doing in a day so I could compare before and after medication.

I tried to plug in my phone 4 times in the span of an hour before I finally did it. Like had the end of the charger and my phone in hand and got distracted because I realized I forgot/needed to do X, Y, Z. I set out the day with a goal and before I knew it I had a half dozen half written messages, a longer Todo list, and no work done towards what I needed. Guess what I'm doing this evening? Lol

How long has this been going on? I knew I was struggling with motivation and focus, but it blows my mind how present it is moment to moment.

Fingers crossed for medication.

I would highly recommend doing an activity journal as a point of reference. Within a day it has already put things into perspective for me.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

How do you will yourself to the right thing? Is it a matter of creating the right environment? Being mindful?

[–] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's actually pretty shocking. It seems so normal to struggle to buy a house, yet most of the last generation have one. It's going to be a rude awakening for society as this trend continues. At some point the older generation is going to pass on and free up houses. What is that even going to look like? Are they going to be jacked up too? It's just not sustainable if you project it out. There has to be a tipping point. People need homes and renting is so limiting.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

There was an article recently about this (too lazy to search it). It's already starting to happen. If most of the content they train on is the internet and more internet content is created by LLMs without being tagged as AI generated content (can't be guaranteed by all actors), then it's inevitable. High signal training data is out the window.

Do you have a detailed list of duties? Ask for one. If you don't feel comfortable doing that look for duties of similar positions for different companies. If they are asking you to do these management related duties under some pretence that you'll be promoted to a leadership role, then that's one thing. I think it's fair to have a conversation with your manager about how you are feeling, what you are doing (make a list), what your career goals are, and how you can align that with the company.