
joined 2 years ago
[–] eyolf@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

Fikk tekstbeskjed på skjermen, men ikke et pip fra telefonen. Derimot kunne sirenekonserten vært litt kortere. Ganske kjedelig musikk i lengden.

[–] eyolf@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

You're welcome. That whole film is fantastic, including a sequence where Levon talks about singing and drumming at the same time. He claims that it's in fact easier that way...

[–] eyolf@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

It makes sense that your young son likes it: when it was written, Robbie Robertson had to be quiet so as not to wake up his sleeping daughter. So there may be some kind of father/child thing with this song. Check out the BBC Classic Albums special, where this clip is taken from: https://youtu.be/VusxYu9Uycs?t=75

[–] eyolf@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

Ranger and/or vifm as file managers. Can't live without them

[–] eyolf@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It also has a much simpler and forgiving syntax. Just type rg anything and it finds anything

[–] eyolf@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

That's my ideal as well – the distant goal that "one of these days, I am going to sit down and fix my config the way I really want it". But then time comes in the way, and I just copy something from somewhere...

[–] eyolf@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

Nei, jeg har heller ikke reagert noe på /r/norge, men på alle mulige andre /r/'er hvor krenkelsesvilligheten er så høy at man blir utelukket bare man nevner feil navn. Det var bare så deilig å se det skrevet eksplisitt at "her gjelder ytringsfriheten og Norges Lover", i stedet for "dette skal være et varmt og koselig rom med blomster i vinduet og prikkete gardiner, hvor alle skal føle seg hjemme."


Just wondering: how would you characterize the general feel of the different nvim flavours: LazyVim, Chad, Astro, etc.? I'm not thinking functionality, which plugins are included, etc., but the way they feel when one uses them.

I tried out a whole bunch of them, as per Elijah Manor's excellent video about config switching (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkHjJlSgKZY)

I figured out LazyVim is trying its best not to look and feel like vim, with modal windows and fancy graphics and all. I didn't like that. I can't remember why I left Astro behind, but I finally settled on Chad, which at first I disliked because of the name, but eventually I figured out that that was the flavour for me: so many things just worked as expected, and there were so many times when I looked up something, and went: "Hm! That was quite smart, actually!"

So that's where I'm at – and purely for "feel" reasons. So: convince me: what am I missing when I don't use bundle B or config C?


"Her er det ytringsfriheten som gjelder! Ytringsfrihet er den friheten alle mennesker har til å gi uttrykk for det de mener og ønsker å si noe om. Dette medfører også at man må tolerere at andre har forskjellige meninger enn deg selv."

Det var det verste med Reddit: den systematiske hårsårheten.