@Stoneblackdog The cynic in me also believes the daycare industry may be responsible for this. Some people spend thousands of dollars per month on daycare. That's crazy to me. When I was a kid and my parents were working I just stayed with other family members. But many people are isolated without extended family and the daycare industry exploits that.
@Stoneblackdog overpolicing is a huge problem here, CPS (child protective services) and the police have taken children and put them in foster care for things like this. They target Native, Black and poor families. It didn't used to be like this. 9/11 made some people extremely paranoid and the culture has never recovered unfortunately. Canada has some of these issues too now.
It sucks that my government thinks "ipad kids" locked inside all day are better off than kids who play outside.
@gundam I noticed this and was surprised that no one else seems to be talking about it. There's a lot of references to other things in this show. I don't know if there are other Gnostic inspired characters besides these three. I'm going to look into it more.
@tuxedosushi 1 or 2 cans of beans + salsa + chilli seasonings of choice with toast or grits. Bag of frozen greens boiled/steamed and then drained and mixed with red pepper hummus and nooch. Microwaved sweet potato with peanut butter.
@Bicyclejohn I hope fediverse helps us return to small blogs and forums that we had before facebook and twitter took over. no more monopolies
@lemillionsocks true. but I think 9/11 really exacerbated the problem. It seems like kids began staying indoors and at home way more in the 2000s than the 90s... of course some of that is due to video games.