
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Folks, I'm beginning to think that China is fascist.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Wait, this is a thing people do when they want to say something? Shit, I need to reevaluate some things. Socializing is hard.

[–] 18 points 1 month ago (2 children)

You're the only one talking about suicide here.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

I strive to be like Gonzo from the Muppet movies. That whatever is the very picture of the ubermensch.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Nope, I'm being completely genuine. I suspect the people I've talk to about the subject before did either a poor job explaining it or were too far in love with Lenin have a realistic perspective with on things. Guy was a human like the rest of us, not a saint.

I will need some time to process all this information. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me about this subject.

P.S. I am not a Zionist or Homophobic.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Ok, I feel like my position is moving a bit. Do you have any information on the how Democratic this all is? It seems like Lenin was head of state, and couldn't be removed. Would Lenin have supported being voted out? I am not opposed to authority, but it needs to be tethered to the peoples will.

I understand that some action needed to be taken to force the bourgeoisie out of power. But it isn't clear to me that that power was returned to the people.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Which bits specifically marked where Lenin diverged from Marx?

You tell me? Why are you so excited about Lenin if he didn't diverge from Marx?

Last time I checked, Lenin wasn't very Democratic. He put a lot of people in concentration camps. Seems like a very fascist thing to do. Seems like all he did was talk a big game and become an authoritarian. Why would you stand this guy?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (7 children)

Why would I care about the personal happiness of a fascist? My dude, you want me dead. Nice touch on reporting my post.

Edit: on the 0.0001 percent chance your serious. Look at the Wikipedia entry for Marxist leninism that I linked you to and look at the general criticism section.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (9 children)

Yeah, I would mind. It would be a waste of my time because you don't care. It really doesn't matter what I say. Because you'll just use your own personal definition for things instead of the commonly accepted definitions like you did with the Marxist-Leninist bit. We would literally need to agree on a dictionary before we could even begin a somewhat productive conversation.

Again what would I gain? You're asking me to play a game of chess with you, but you and I both know the moment it looks bad for you. You're going to flip the board and poop on the table. So why would I play at all?

As for the homophobic stuff. I'm a straight guy and I would happily throat Marx's sausage. So there I canceled out the homophobia.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (11 children)

Holy shit, what happed? You went full wacky.

I accept Lenin’s contributions to Marxism, so labels don’t really matter.

Ok, if labels don't matter, then why are you mad about me calling you a fascist? What can we possibly gain from this conversation at all? Also, I have changed my mind. This is totally Marxist-Leninist behavior, you're a tankie and tankies are fascists.

In a mocking voice: "I am not a Marxist-Leninist I'm just a Marxist who loves to throat Lenin's sausage." Common man.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (13 children)

I’m a Marxist,

Great I was wrong, you are not a Marxist-Leninist.

By your definition, I am both a Tankie and a Fascist.

No, a Marxist-Leninist is not the same thing as a Marxist. A Marxist is critical of capitalism. They don't say anything specific other than a socialist society is good. Which I generally agree with. A Marxist-Leninist goes into detail on top of that witch results in Fascist outcomes.

This whole "Marxist-Leninist are Marxists" thing is a fascist talking point. Of course fascists are going to co-opt the word "Marxist", especially when it gets popular, it's happened before and it will happen again. What is important is the outcomes of the ideology not the names.

Every Marxist believes democracy is good

I Agree. Glad you are pro-democracy. I don't think you are a fascist or a tankie anymore.

Genuinely, what does this sentence even mean?

Sorry, trusted voice to text too much. You guessed the correct interpretation. I agree with your answer.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (15 children)

Why do I need to write a 20-page thesis on why tankies are fascists? If you're a Tankie, and it seems like you are because you are being very defensive, what could I write that could convince you that tankies are fascists?

Let's try this another way.

Do you personally believe that democracies are good? That law should be decided by people?

Or do you believe that authoritarians are the best way to rule?


I am enjoying the game, except one thing in the story that keeps coming up and causes me cognitive dissonance. I am in the first system and it isn't clear to me why we are not considered Pirates.

The characters are always saying stuff like "Don't be a Pirate" or "Kill all the Pirates". And then we do stuff like steal from factions/corporations that are neutral to us. Why doesn't that cause us to be Pirates?

We literally accidentally kidnapped someone. I am so confused.


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