Everyone's weekend photos made me hungry for noodles.
Okay, one or two more days of eating out. Exiting crunch but still a bit challenging. Hmmm what ~~kind of pork belly~~ shall I cook this week.
Everyone's weekend photos made me hungry for noodles.
Okay, one or two more days of eating out. Exiting crunch but still a bit challenging. Hmmm what ~~kind of pork belly~~ shall I cook this week.
oho I've been spotted. How good is that chicken yeah!
Mexican food is kinda like bizarro world Chinese food. In this pic: Rice with beef and black bean sauce
Really looking forward to going back to home cooking after this weekend. Takeout all tastes the same...
Thank god... I've finally passed my kidney stone of a project. It's not totally done but all of the hard bits are done. Just writing things up and sending it out now.
Literally lost 3-4kg in stress and missed meals / sleep. But I think we have something that might be worth it. Having a very career defining kind of year.
What'd I miss??
It's just "monyet.cc" and your user and pass. I just tested logging in and out and it works fine for me!
Wrong password?
Interesting. What's better on calckey?
Wow, I've passed that door so many times without knowing! So much cooler than a speakeasy lol
Mischief managed
Can't make any promises until we look at the tech, but we'll do our best!
Extra context on posting limits - we've previously reached out 1-1 to our regular news posters and made this request (thanks @stormy001 and @imaginelizard!). Some of you may remember when the frontpage was mostly 0-comment newsposts. But this seems like a good time to make this more general and public.
We don't like it either, but this is strictly temporary. Please bear with us while the frontpage algorithm is improved!
Harr work is so crunchy right now. Currently rushing to publish some research paper. Very exciting but it always takes way more time than you plan for (even when you know it takes longer time than you plan for)
If you sent me a message and are wondering why I ghosted
ima catch up later in the week, I swear :<
So you might say you had... llaollaosai?
Electrolytes always help me a ton when my gut is off. Feel better soon!