
joined 9 months ago
[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for sharing your opinion with me!

What I'm hearing is basically "you don't understand the real benefits, so your not qualified to judge the proposal". I find this attitude quite harmful. If you think, I'm missing something important, please tell me about it. You will only convince me with arguments, not by patronizing me. Could you at least link the mentioned discussion?

There are plenty of containers [...] could also use a generic way of iterating over them.

To me, it seemed intended, that Go only has two first-level containers (slices and maps). It forces a certain amount of "uniformity" by giving other containers a disadvantage. Of course, in some scenarios you really need a different container and it will be more cumbersome to use, but it is by no means impossible without range-over-func.


I've seen that a new "range-over-func" experiment is available with Go 1.22. In this article, I took a closer look and evaluated the feature for myself.